Brandon Toms

This game is a lot of fun (I have the base game and the first expansion), but HOLY SHIT does it take a long time to play. I’ve burned 6 hours in a game easily, because there’s a lot of events that can happen that will set you back to square one on your progress. Not for the faint of heart.

This game is a lot of fun (I have the base game and the first expansion), but HOLY SHIT does it take a long time to

The movie was awesome (83% on Rotten Tomatoes), whether you want to root for him or not. It finally redeemed the character after Fox bastardized him in Wolverine: Origins, and gave us a true-to-the-source representation of the merc with the mouth. It was everything this lil’ Deadpool fan wanted and more, and I’m happy

I made it to the Technodrome once, MAYBE twice. And never got anywhere close to beating it.

When they give me a Galactic Conquest mode, I’ll buy it. Until then, screw EA.

You need to proofread your articles.

Darwinism is a bitch.


This is only offensive if you choose for it to be offensive. I grew up on Kool-Aid just as many, many other children did, regardless of their skin color. People need to stop jumping that the chance to be offended and sometimes give people the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t mean anything disrespectful with their

I tried PS Now, the lag delay was just bad enough that it was unplayable.


Stop acting like they represent all of us by referring to them as “the internet”.

Yes it does.

Why the fuck are you giving this psycho the attention he’s looking for!? Not only do you mention his name, but lay out his whole fucking biography for the world to see. Way to go, Jezebel, you gave him exactly what he wanted.

Funny, if I said how much I hate womensplaining I’d probably get a lot of shit for it. And for good reason.

If you have a problem with Matt Damon, then attribute it to Matt Damon. Don’t act like his asshole-ness is attributable to all men. That’s stereotyping and it’s sexist as hell. You wanna stop sexism, first

If you don’t agree with his statement or position, then comment on his position. But referring to him as “whitesplaining” as if he cannot possibly understand what diversity is simply because he’s white is RACIST AS FUCK.

Just sayin’. You want racism to go away, it goes BOTH ways.

I like to read these but everybody thinks they’re Ernest fucking Hemingway and writes a goddamn novel when in most cases the story could be told in a paragraph or two. You don’t have to set the mood in order to say that some asshole sent a steak back because it had THEIR OWN hair on it.

So much anger. Somebody needs to get laid. Maybe you should try Tinder.

Or don’t waste your two hours with the inferior movie and read the book instead.

Or better, go read Batman: Under the Hood. Much better than the animated movie.

Jumping up onto these boxes repeatedly until you’re exhausted is a great way to break a leg. There are much safer ways to exercise the same muscles.

Aquaman is one of the most badass superheroes EVER.

- He’s the king of 71% of the Earth, and commands all of the armies of the seas.