Brandon Toms

Oh yeah, all day every day. Reddit is Gawker's main source for material.

Oh, what a great loss that is. I wandered in here because I saw something about No Doubt, I have no interest in your mimosa-drinking housewife philosophies. Have fun pretending you're making a difference.

Boy, Harley Quinn has let herself go...

OMG, THEY DID!? THAT'S TERRIBLE, HOW MANY OF THOSE POOR PEOPLE ARE STILL ALIVE AND REMEMBER HAVING THEIR HOMES INVADED!? What? NONE of them? You mean we're all several generations detached from that and there's no reason for me to tiptoe around somebody because my great, great grandfather might have shot his

No, I'm not the authority on what is offensive. AND NEITHER ARE THEY. I say fuck 'em, being white does not automatically make you disrespectful for playing as another culture.

There's a difference? What's the difference? White American woman wearing a kimono versus a White American woman wearing Native-American clothes? The fucking Lone Ranger movie is coming out soon and JOHNNY DEPP IS PLAYING TONTO!

There is no right to be unoffended. But apparently we should all stick to our own culture and never wear anything from another culture, out of fear that somebody's wittle feelings are gonna get hurt. Negative racial or cultural stereotypes are one thing, "Chinese, dirty knees" falls in that category. But this is

Seriously, what do children play on the playground? Do they play "Cowboys and Native-Americans" or do they play "Cowboys and Indians"? That is a widely known phrase and a widely known game that children play, don't act like you're too stupid to know that.

Fine, we're the oppressors. How about another example: A Japanese man wearing cowboy boots and a 10 gallon hat. Japan loves our culture, and it's not uncommon to see them dress like Westerners. Should I be getting my panties in a bunch every time I see that? Or every time my Muslim friend dresses up as a Catholic

I did not say that "all 'Indians' are the same", I specifically referred to Native-Americans as just that, and Indians are from India. I was using it as another example of one culture masquerading as another. That doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother you. A black guy dressed as Chairman Mao, the Wayans

Now playing

Why? I see plenty of Native Americans wearing western civilization clothes all the time, and nobody raises a fuss about that. Fuck this rash of political correctness, people need to stop being so sensitive about stupid shit that doesn't hurt anyone.

Triple-digits? As in, 100+%? It's called capitalist competition, you moron. Price shopping is the foundation of capitalism.

Jesus Fez-wearing Christ, that is a brilliant idea.

The producers said that this is what War Machine looks like now.

Right, Iron Patriot is Norman Osborn. They're saying that this is the new look for War Machine in the movies. Very confusing for the actual fans of the comics.

That Iron Patriot suit is retarded, either be the classic grey War Machine or have someone else be the Iron Patriot (Like Steve Rogers). The pattern looks way too much like Captain America's.

This guy knows what's up.

This coming from the same website that gave us unauthorized pictures of a rape victim DURING HER RAPE:

Yeah, I would say it's a Whedon thing, but Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't touched by Whedon. Only Summer. :-\