If they handle it like the comics, the prisoners will be a healthy mix of good and bad. When did Carl make a pass at Hershel's daughter? I must have missed that.
If they handle it like the comics, the prisoners will be a healthy mix of good and bad. When did Carl make a pass at Hershel's daughter? I must have missed that.
Yep, completely agree. The surrounding world in these games is completely oblivious (no pun intended) to your actions, just as long as the shop keeper doesn't see you stealing you can steal everything in his store and he'll still bid you a good day as you walk out the door loaded down with all of your criminally…
So if there was once flowing water on Mars, where did all of it go?
Sticking 5 speakers into a television doesn't count as 5:1 surround sound. It just counts as "5 speakers".
No, that's not like copyrighting a Caucasian face, because Caucasian faces are (like you said) bound by those particular details (two eyes, nose, ears, skin color). They HAVE to be similar in that way. Logos like this could be anything, but the fact that they used so many similar details makes it very suspicious,…
They're both blue E's with an orbital swoop from lower left to upper right, that's pretty specific and I completely understand Microsoft raising a fuss about it.
"There are to add USB ports to your wall", I believe he meant to say "There are WAYS to add USB ports to your wall."
I do not believe in eugenics whatsoever, but I do believe that you should have to get a license to procreate based on your competency as a parent and your financial ability to raise said child. Forced non-permanent sterilization until then.
I had no idea that Kylie Minogue played Cammy. Hmm. TIL.
Supernatural should have ended at Season 5, Star Wars should have ended at Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones should have ended at Last Crusade, and Firefly should have never ended. Just because you're tired of it doesn't make it less true. Supernatural has blown huge donkey dick ever since it continued past it's…
"And part of Carver's solution is exploring how the brothers changed and matured during Dean's time in purgatory, which for Sam included an honest attempt at living a normal life, complete with romance"
Wow, slow news day I guess. Also, no it doesn't look like GlaDOS, that's quite a stretch.
Why do all gifs on Gawker look "wonky", as Annalee puts it?
Awww, that's tragic. Note to self, don't get too creative with pet habitats.
A friend and I have dedicated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week to going to the gym and getting in better shape. We're both overweight (not obese), but other than that we're healthy with the exception of wanting to lose weight and tone muscle. Can you give us a high-level plan for losing weight and toning…
Half of the people in theaters don't even sit around for the post-credit teaser, and if this is the only problem with the movie then I really doubt it will affect the reviews much, if at all. I agree, wasn't a very good teaser, but over all the movie was fantastic.
Captain America isn't wielding Mjolnir in that clip, it's a Skrull replica. Not the same thing at ALL.