Haha, interesting! Thought that was a safe bet, guess not. :-)
Haha, interesting! Thought that was a safe bet, guess not. :-)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're not a white dude... lol
Y'know, I can understand being outright offensive or insulting, but "insensitive"? Not everyone holds your imaginary sky wizards in the same revered light that you do, and we have the right to BE insensitive about stuff that isn't important to us.
What a great show. It's a shame the last episode is all acid-induced nonsense.
What the hell is a reverse spoiler? They tell you something is going to happen that doesn't?
Sorry, which show are you talking about? Ultimate Spider-Man got renewed for a second season.
I really hope so. Makes things more interesting, I think.
Yeah, that sounds like a good evaluation of the layout in the comics. I agree, I'm sure they'll do a great job with it. I definitely called it on Merle teaming up with The Governor, and he's just going to be another testimony of Rick's group being the bad guys. "THEY CHAINED ME UP ON A ROOF TO DIE! I HAD TO CUT…
I'm guessing the mansion is likely going to be more like city hall. It'll be where they store the pet walkers, maybe where Michonne winds up, etc.
And THAT'S what it looks like when Mr. Universe lets himself go and deflates: same saggy extra skin as if he were a 300+ lbs fatass.
Yep, I will boycott this show simply on the basis of scientific stupidity. Suspending disbelief is one thing (superheroes, magic, etc). But you have to clearly draw up the rules for your world and stick TO them, otherwise it's all shit.
Literally just had this conversation with a buddy of mine while we were reading this article. Cannot agree more, that moment is the first time a comic book ever brought tears to my eyes. Oh god, I think someone's cutting onions somewhere, g2g...
Sorry to burst your bubble, gang: [screencrush.com]
Just do what I do: buy a 2D ticket, go get your poppity-corns and sody-pop, then run back to the guy giving out the 3D glasses and tell him you forgot to pick up a pair. 60% of the time it works every time.
I want a clock that allows me to custom create cities based on the timezones. If it doesn't have the clock in the database, I have to find another city that's in the same timezone and use that. I can't even give it a simple timezone, it HAS to be a city.
Haha, just like SBSettings or IntelliscreenX, for those Jailbreak-savvy users. :-)
Oh you... lol
And so began the next form of rocket-jumping. lol
You've hit the nail on the head, gbody, the movie is riddled with holes. First of all, there's no such thing as a "100% genetic match" as they say in the movie unless we're talking about exact clones. And setting aside the xeno looking different for a moment, why did the ENGINEER look so different? If they're "100%…