
Whoa. Nobody at Apple thought of that in all the years they’ve been developing this technology.

Bakuon! isn’t a “racing” anime, but it nails the spirit of motorcycling like nothing else.

Waiting for someone to explain why Toy Story 4 exists.

Oh wait, is this a pivot to video? Would prefer actual words.

The problem is that it takes this sort of escalation on social media and a popular car blog to get the dealership to do the right thing. Most folks don’t have an internet lynch mob behind them and they just end up screwed.

Hey, just reaching out in hopes you can make that graphic smaller and less legible. KthxBye.

Nearly 1,100 words to say “only one sequel was good.”

“My boyfriend couldn’t find a place to put his wallet.”

Thanks! Really enjoyed the follow-up. Sad to see so many people buying SUV crossovers, though. We are truly doomed.

Pointless tech overload has absolutely factored into my last two new car purchases. I just don’t need most of the stuff on cars today. Give me simple, reliable utility over flashy crap that will be obsolete in a few years anyway.

This shit is why I lost interest in the NBA. They’re killing their own league.

This abhorrent White behavior is a byproduct of their culture. Just listen to their Country Music; it’s all about drinking, shooting guns and driving drunk. The good ones won’t speak out about this behavior because they’re afraid to be called “fake white,” or White in Name Only (wino).