Kass The Traveling Bard

Off the top of my head That head line is taken completely out of context to get the headline. Also just Google Kotaku misleading headlines and you can start to see the trend. I say this as someone who visits

This is one off the top of my head, read the actual linked article or even some of the comments and you can start to see they took this quote out of context to get the headline. There are quite a few more I just don't have the time this second to search and link'em.

I get the gravity of the situations are greatly different but it's still funny to see them talk about lazy journalism when you know if they could somehow could capitalize off of this (like every other news outlet) they would. It's sad to see parents of theses children already doing interviews being asked "how they

Waves hand-These are not the headlines you are looking for.

The pot calling the kettle black.

I get the gravity of the situations are greatly different but it's still funny to see them talk about lazy journalism when you know if they could somehow could capitalize off of this (like every other news outlet) they would. It's sad to see parents of theses children already doing interviews being asked "how they

I agree totally, but it seems odd for Kotaku to be complaining about misleading headlines....

That's cool I hadn't heard that little detail.

Agreed 100% on Kid Icarus, it has an amazing score.

Why it is an amazing soundtrack.

Well if you only read Kotaku that's exactly what you would think. But if actually read around there is positive news- indie devs are praising the eshop says its leaps and bounds better than the competition, or the developer for NBA 2k speaking highly of the system and says its home to the best version. How about the

Totally agree it needs to be fixed and the faster the better. This is just non news anyone with a Wii U know this and every review stated it. Kotaku only seems to post negative Wii U articles.

The problem is it varys from person to person based on Internet connectivity, hell it's not even consistent for me So this is isn't evidence of anything. The start page of the console refreshes with new game communities and posts every time. I think all will agree that Nintendo needs to refine their code and get this

The YouTube app shouldn't exist when using it in the Internet browser is a faster much more intuitive experience. I couldn't believe how awesome it is through the browser.

Nintendos inevitable future.... of printing money! Bazinga

Mario is actually quite the ladies man. Most girls growing up with Nintendo in the 80's and early 90's have a thing for the little Italian plumber, especially the ones with daddy issues.

My wife is the same way she rarely plays games outside of Nintendo first party, the exception being The Elder Scrolls series. More than anything she loves 2d Mario's and Mario Kart. I think Mario is quite the ladies man actually. Most women born in the 80's early nineties have a thing for Mario especially the ones

Agreed, after Brutal Legand I wasn't so sure of their new direction, but if anything it was the best thing for the company. They are putting out quality games at a consistent pace some of which would have probably never seen the light of day otherwise. They also prove smaller games don't have to be small on quality.

That's the thing its not a tablet, it is a controller with big ass touchsreen in the center. If you really cant think of other ways that could be utilized in a game besides an around the house portable you have zero creativity and obviously haven't played Nintedoland or Zombiu. What people don't get is that it is

There where rumors a while back of a falling out between Nintendo and EA (after this announcement) over the use of Origin on Wii U. At one point it was said that Nintendo was looking for help in the online area and was consulting with 3rd parties to see what they need/expect. EA was pushing hard for some type of