Kass The Traveling Bard

I Agree with the exception that I love me some Mario. I have for the last 2 generations bought all 3 consoles, but I have decided after buying my Ww U that I think it will be a 2 console generation for me. As of now I'm leaning more to a PS4/oribis Wii U Combo. As Microsoft has lost all exclusive that got me to buy

This situation is so far passed out of hand I am at a lose for words. It really can't take this long for the Greece government to investigate these guys and figure out they are who they say they. Can it?

Can anything be worse than the Ps3 updates? I love my Ps3 but who ever was in charge of designing the way the system updates should be fired. Sometimes its an actual deterrent to play and buy games. With that said it is also a testament to the quality that is buried underneath the crap that we would put up with such

Wow, how does that make him a fanboy? That is exactly what the Wii U is doing. They chose unique gameplay input methods as the core of their new system just like the last 2 they made. Even the haters admit that and actually argue that that is "Nintendos new gimmick" as a negitive so which one is it? I love my ps3 but

As much as I want to agree with you it is not the same game without the 3D. Maybe if they retooled it a little to better show the depth of the blocks, but as it is I wouldn't buy it.

I wouldn't want to play it with out the 3D either. I've tried and you can tell its made with it in mind. There is no definition between the depth of the blocks but color at that point.

I'm in the same boat. I'm a little passed the halfway point in Pushmo so I have a ways to go, but once I finish I will be grabbing this up. It's my go to quick fix on the 3DS and I love every second of it. Is it just me or does the difficulty seem inconsistent?

I realize its a picture, I have one of those controller tickets they are for a chance to win a Wii U. They where also giving away free copy's of NSMN U. The store I was at had 50 copies to give away. He said his wife went I was just inquiring if she procured a free copy. I thought I was fairly clear .....

Did she get a free copy of NSMB U? I avoid Black Friday, the mall, and Old Navy like the plague but I braved the horrible trifecta and it payed off. I spent $30 got my wife and son some Christmas gifts and got a free copy of the game.

Yes sir, I don't know if you can earn point from 3DS eShop purchases, but I read you can redeem them on both.

I bought both a 360 (camped in the cold with my future wife , I knew right then) and a Wii U on launch day and the difference is laughable. The U has had such a better launch that its not even funny. Better games, better system features, and a much smaller failure rate. The 360 would have buried just about any other

Yes Nintendoland comes with a full case, no Wii sports cardboard sleeve crap. The digital promotion only runs for a year or two not the entire life of the system, but hey I can't complain if it gets me one free game over the course of the system I will be pleased. The cool part is you can use the point on the 3DS

I know right the they sell their systems purely on the nostalgia we had playing all those duel screen, motion controlled, asymmetrical games as kids, oh wait.......

I think reviewers and analyst believe they some how set the standards and dictate the industry as opposed to consumers and developers. They are overly self important and it seems they are a partly to blame for this generation of ultra negative, entitled gamers. The Wii U is an amazing machine with a huge amount of

Their is nothing gimmicky about a controller that brings every input method known to man together in a extremely functional and ergonomically sound package. I could see that with the Wii remote but if you cannot see the amazing implications of not only the controller but second screen gaming then you have either: A.

Damn 15 hrs to late to make that joke, oh well back to the Miiverse.

No need for convincing, my family is enjoying Wii U immensely. No one can bring a group together better than Nintendo. No to mention this time it isn't 8 hrs of bowling, Nintendoland actually has depth and is still very simple.

Funny enough that's all any one with Wii U is having, Fun. That's what some of us play video games for not a processor pissing contest. Sure if this becomes a trend amongst developers it could be a bit alarming, but I have heard nothing but praise from developers especially indies. In the end anyone looking for the

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