Kass The Traveling Bard

I am The_Mad_Composer. Add me if you would as I only know one other person who bought it at launch. Did you get Zombie U? If so what do you think? It seems to be quite the polarizing title, I hope it fairs better from more reputable sources.

Register your games with club Nintendo, you get free stuff and it tracks all of your purchases. I thought my launch 3DS was stolen and they said they would transfer all my content ambassador games and all to what ever 3DS I wanted (even my wife's). Yeah its not elegant, but I think this will eventually be rectified

In all fairness this may not all be in Nintendo's control they are working with multiple providers to get this thing going. If its only a couple of weeks I can deal, yes it's disappointing but it is no 3ds eshop fiasco. If everything else is in place online play eshop etc is ok.

Thank god your in the minority. Nobody but imbecils want Nintendo franchises associated with garbage iOS games they are not even comparable.

You have to remember it not just the extra cost of the screen its also the data that is being streamed. I have a feeling that one of the reasons that the controller has such little latency is because they are not sending HD signal to the controller. Then again I could be wrong I'm not the most knowledgeable on these

They could use the Gamepad as an alternate controller. Wii synth!

It is resistive but much more responsive than the 3DS.

I think next week they should get the same group of people together show them the TVii and Miiverse features, maybe let them play more than 2 games and see if there is a change of opinion.

I think next week you should get the same group of people together show them the TVii and Miiverse features, maybe let them play more than 2 games and see if there is a change of opinion.

I will sleep a very sound sleep on Sunday thank you. I have no illusion as to the price of the tech I purchase. You on the other hand keep thinking your PC and and any other gadget you own is clean because it wasn't in the headlines. I hear hypocrites sleep very little care to share?

Disregard you have to be smarter than the commenting system, and I failed.

That is where the 3DS comes into play. If they could use the 3DS in conjunction with 2 gamepads or even LAN with 2 Wii U's with 2 Gamepads it could be great a great solution for this issue. I think Nintendo has been quiet about 3DS connectivity for one of two reasons: 1 because they have big plans that they will roll

That is where the 3DS comes into play. If they could use the 3DS in conjunction with 2 gamepads or even LAN with 2 Wii U's with 2 Gamepads it could be great a great solution for this issue. I think Nintendo has been quiet about 3DS connectivity for one of two reasons: 1 because they have big plans that they will roll

What lag are you talking about? The latency between the system and game pad is one frame or 16 milliseconds. I would love to see these reviews you speak of.

Don't worry one day you will grow up and realize that your adult games are the one's that are immature (kiddie). They pander to prepubescent children, know it all teens, and early twentie-somthings who have a hard on for guns violence and anything seen as bad by their parents. Some of us play games for fun, to

Just make sure your system is 26 feet or less away from your bathroom problem solved. I actually just downgraded from a big ass house to a smaller more manageable place and this is one more reason to be happy about that.

Best comment ever.

Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama

Because they already have. Revelations for the 3DS is the best RE since 4 and and an overall better game than 6.

Gotta love The League.