Kass The Traveling Bard

You already sound old with this crap.

That's what I figured, this doesn't bother me one bit. I can count the number of times I have used voice chat this entire generation between all 3 systems on both my hands . I just want it there for those who do use it and more importantly so it shows that Nintendo gets where the industry is headed. Whether I use it

Agreed, Nintendo isn't doing themselves any favors with the gaming core by being so secretive about their online and chat functions. It just lets the uninformed turn speculation to fact and then a bunch of people spread the mis-truth which could in turn hurt sales even if just a little. I hope that if they do have

How can there be a plot twist in an untold tale. Nintendo hasn't made an official announcement regarding the chat capabilities of the Wii U. So this is all speculation turned to fact, as the internet is so good at doing.

The Wii was a massive success and they are approaching this the same way. When I bought mine on launch day not to may people had a clue as to what I was talking about. Yet word of mouth and shortages propelled it to must have status for years.

Thank you, glad someone else gets it. People are already forgetting the Wii's launch this is the same strategy. Not to mention word of mouth in the holidays is the best form of advertising.

First off, look at who they are asking, of course the non gamer will have no clue because they wait to be told what is the next cool thing as apposed to researching unreleased products themselves. Second, the Wii was a massive success and they are approaching this the same way. When I bought mine on launch day not to

Sorry replied to the wrong person.

First off, look at who they are asking, of course the non gamer will have no clue because they wait to be told what is the next cool thing as apposed to researching unreleased products themselves. Second, the Wii was a massive success and they are approaching this the same way. When I bought mine on launch day not to

Lunch day -is the day you bring home a new console and all of your friends get together and have an awesome lunch, whilst marathon gaming with your new shiny system. Thought everyone did this....

First off, look at who they are asking, of course the non gamer will have no clue because they wait to be told what is the next cool thing as apposed to researching unreleased products themselves. Second, the Wii was a massive success and they are approaching this the same way. When I bought mine on lunch day not to

I agree, anyone who has a 3ds and nothing to play is either not looking or to broke to get all the amazing games out for the system. Between the twenty ambassador games the free Excitebike and Kid Icarus 3d classics games given to me and the awesome clubnintendo reward games I have received more free games from

The same rumor spread about the 3DS. The differance is it continued to sell so I don't think that's a real problem. Even before the price drop it was out selling the Vita in the same time frame without the benefit of a holiday.. Sony was just arrogant in thinking if they put out a dual analog power house that

You should look into the Wii U. Playing games off the Tv on the controller might be another good alternative for your situation.

Duck Hunt was my first home console experience of any significance followed immediately by Super Mario Bros. The 2 games I played the longest had to be The legend of Zelda NES and Super Mario world SNES. Zelda I literal spent 17 years beating I started when I was so young and the game was just so hard after a

Just picked it up along with Dungeon Village (made from the same people who did Game Dev Story). Not bad for 50 cents.

Sprint lets me charge it right to my bill if I want. I love that option when I'm broke and I see a one day sale.

Players can change their load out, look at the map, or call in a streak from the tablet’s second screen. Support for Pro Controller, WiiMote and Nunchuck will be supported.

Crazy idea, if you can't find a reason to own it don't buy it. I realize you were looking for some salesmanship but if you don't see one reason to own something I highly doubt anything I say will change that. But just to say i tried- Its Nintendo in hi def with the strongest third party line up since the snes. This is

It just has that next gen shine. That is what is interesting about the 3DS, at first glance you think its a portable GameCube. Then you see games like this and you realize its more like a Wii with some early 360 graphical effects. Then you realize it's running in 3D and have to wonder how powerful this little thing