It almost makes sense to me. Usually your thumbs would go in diagonally to the sticks therefore avoiding the buttons maybe?
It almost makes sense to me. Usually your thumbs would go in diagonally to the sticks therefore avoiding the buttons maybe?
I think that’s it in a nutshell. He wanted Obama to love him and Obama called him a fool and became friends with JaYonce. If they get to have a presidential friend than so does Kanye (he thinks like a child). And also agreed on the bipolar disorder. He needs to sitdown with his Netflix and watch Nanette; treating…
I would say for people like me who don’t have the opportunity to sit in front of a TV a few hours everyday to play it.
Having worked in Washington, as soon as I read the term “deep state” I yawn and go read something else less stupid. You’re probably a good guy IRL but you’re embarrassing yourself here.
It’s certainly one of the best games ever made. For some reason there are a contingent of people who are bothered by this though. The insinuation will summon them without fail.
weapon durability is a great system that is a foundational aspect of how BOTW works, and it works well. Weapons are resources, not abilities. It’s a paradigm shift, but it’s a GREAT system.
Nintendo hasn’t previously shown that they should be given the benefit of a doubt when it comes to their online services.
Bills receiver Brandon Tate left today’s game after Patriots safety Devin McCourty delivered a hit on him in the…
I don’t let myself get hyped ever, and tend to approach this stuff with a calm and cool perspective so I don’t get disappointed.
Steam. It was already released on iOS and Android, but the pc version will have some few improvements.
Thank you for saying this.
One of my favorite comparison I’ve come across in the Game Dev industry with this issue is : “Hiring more people to finish making a game is like asking 9 moms to give birth to a baby in 1 month.”
There are a couple of Early Access games where I had 50+ or even 100+ hours in before saying: “Enough is enough.”
I really wish there were some epic moments in the game. Earthquakes, animal stampedes, gravity so strong it forces you to crash land. Random ship malfunctions . Something for the player to problem solve. I would love to get into trouble in the atmosphere of a planet and suddenly realize engine failure forcing me to…
Quantum Break, as I argued in my review.
Hmm... imo three of the most “next-gen” games are also available on last-gen systems: MGSV, GTAV and Shadow of Mordor. Though their last-gen versions are of varying quality. In terms of technology, Arkham Knight, Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4 all felt like games that couldn’t have been done on last-gen consoles. So, those…
Can we get a Kotaku Smash Tournament going one day?
Just realized how much I like the character design. Especially the blue.
I got two demands when working for free. (1) I will work on it on my own time. I will not move my schedule of paid work to put their project on my top priority to do list. If they want it done at a certain time they will need to pay me or find someone else . (2) I have full creative control of the project/whatever it…