“I did not see that coming.”
“I did not see that coming.”
Roger Goodell is an American Hero, son. He stood up to cheating and corruption and won. This is a great day for truth, justice, and the American way.
Disagree. Her short ‘do is badass and beautiful.
Adam LaRoche would like to have a word with you.
except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.
Let’s all respect the only person ever to witness tragedy.
Bombs against Boston rarely go over well
Lincecum says the surgery he had last year isn’t effecting his performance
Okay Barry, I think you took the whole, “there is no i in team” thing too far...
So we’ll just keep repeating this headline until the end of time, huh?
Except the EWG was proven as a fraud last year. Its more based on the we hate GMO world than science. I would much rather have scientists than politicans evaluate my suncare line.
[wakes up]
I literally only know the answer to Nos. 2 and 3 (and only 3 because I’m not on any prescriptions). It’s a wonder I’ve made it to my mid-30s alive!
I don’t think your biggest issue is blanking on a specific word
He’s only playing so long to pay off his massive student loan debt. Four full years of tuition at Wake Forest. Yeesh.
Counterpoint: This article is bad. Your next one could be worse.
This take is bad and you should feel bad.
Sounds like a great spot for a joint bachelor/bachelorette party