
I think what the community means when calling a device "sexy" is that it improves the sexiness of said owner. So if I owned an iPad2, I would be far sexier than I was without one, and still slightly more sexier than those with an iPad. You look far more attractive with a sexy sleek technology than the old, but still

@xaronax: And that's a house! Not a clue by any means.

An expensive Bop-It?

I know that April 11, 1954 was quite some time ago.. but what happens, if someone born on that day, becomes famous.. Or like, becomes the Pope? What happens then?

@balloondoggle: The streaming is an awesome feature I don't know how I lived without. If you have a PC w/ internet, Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii, you need Netflix.

@Eric Swenson: Little do you know she's currently upside down.

@hurbieta: You kidding? Given their past history they won't have any employees by 2011. BAZINGA!

@zipeater: HAHAHAHA!!! That's awesome! needs to read this and cry.

First time I've heard of this, but his website is up right next to Gizmodo as book marked.. Awesome stuff

@anitesh.jaswal: HAHAHAHA. Seriously. Putting it on right now. "Won 8.5 million dollars against Google's privacy issues on Google Buzz."

My first thought it, "Digital Geo-caching." It would be a lot better than digging or pulling out small pieces of paper and writing your name on it.

@ithrewitontheground: I completely disagree. Its fun to know what the technology we admire does for someone.

@Fossa: Funny you should say that... I was scrolling through the comments to see if it had been posted.

@tensai: Actually it did! Thrall had blue eyes, whereas every other orc (including my character) had either brown or red.

@tensai: Actually it did! Thrall had blue eyes and every other orc (including my character) had either red or brown, just like in the books.

Ya know, I can NOT make fun of this guy, I've read several books of Warcraft and played all three RTS games. The VERY first thing I did when I started the game was make an Orc, ran to Thrall and checked to see if he had blue eyes. then throughout the first set of quests, I made sure all of the other orcs had brown or

@deciBels: I didn't read all of your comment, but I think just saying, "Remember that Iranian guy in Eagle eye? That's major power lines."