Sam Barsanti's Pulitzer Prize

Apparently QT has refused to recut the movie

Perhaps the question you should be asking yourself is ‘does Google really deserve my money?”

Rudy Giuliani is the one and only Penguin

How about Rudy Giuliani as the Penguin? I mean, he barely needs any makeup at this point,

Hell yeah Ben Mendelsohn. He fucking killed it in Captain Marvel.

Holy crap that’s gorgeous

Speaking of Lindelof, I recently finished watching The Leftovers on HBO and man, what a fantastic show - especially the near flawless (and final) season 3. Absolutely incredible writing and breathtaking performances from the cast.

Well excuuuuuuse me!

Apparently the GMG staff was asked not to make comments about Splinter’s demise. b/c the media would take care of that and “out of respect” for those who were laid off. 

Splinter was shut down today

RIP Splinter

So are you guys not supposed to talk about the death of Splinter? 

RIP Splinter. Best of luck to the departing staff. :(

Captain Marvel was great - one of the top 5 MCU movies in my opinion. 

Blizzard is certainly entitled to do business with an oppressive regime. The flipside is that consumers who are uncomfortable with this arrangement are entitled to take their money elsewhere. Free market.

What’s wrong with palling around with a war criminal?

Tomato this is pretty lazy, even for your low standards. C-

My intention was to post the classic star wars butthurt meme, but then I found this

Was Bill forcing her to cash those sweet $300k checks from Goldman Sachs?