I dunno, man. Cutting striking employees’ health care sounds like a big deal to me
I dunno, man. Cutting striking employees’ health care sounds like a big deal to me
He is a shitty human being , just like his brother, Fredo Cuomo
If Harvard doesn’t want to lose money with their Brazil investments, perhaps they should consider stop treating Brazilian Supreme Court Justices - who pretty much ditched due process to get rid of the left (ie paving the way for the Bolsonaro 24/7 shitshow) - as stalwart soldiers in the fight to promote democracy and…
“Guns don’t kill people. movies kill people. C-”
Troll rating: 0
Lewandoski is closer to the contents of a colostomy bag
Hahahaha get the fuck outta here with this garbage
There’s also “Even more unhinged than usual”
It sort of makes you wonder where his uncle Danny got his looks form.
This helps
But where are teh gunz?
“Never go full retard”
Well said, Tomato
Meh! Other than the Mandalorian there’s not much going on for me in 2019.
Sanders/Biden.....???? Tomato, is that you brah?
Guess what? This is not RFK, and RFK is dead.
Whatever rocks your boat, Tomato. Have a good weekend.