Chicken hearts are delicious, easy to cook, and my local butcher shop sells it for about $1.30/lb - they practically give it away for free.
Chicken hearts are delicious, easy to cook, and my local butcher shop sells it for about $1.30/lb - they practically give it away for free.
DUI, perhaps?
This has to be the worst Fredo Cuomo performance since the prior evening’s Cuomo Primetime
Is just a matter of time until he gets a job offer from the NYT
I’m hoping that at some point only the assholes will remain on Twitter, keeping on being assholes, but with no audience to give two shits about their garbage
That’s great but in the long run I’d love to see public officials off of Twitter altogether. It’s a fucking cesspool.
Chad puts on a remarkable display of responsible gun ownership at the 1:15 mark. I also noticed a person carrying what appears to be a tiki torch at the 1:40 mark - is the group headed for a post-apocalyptic “Freedumb Rally” I wonder?
They were dwarfed by Hugh Jass’s
Becky, while you’re at it your pearl clutching is much needed at another movie thread - the one about the Taika Waititi Hitler movie - which, you know, according to the Sam Barsanti movie making standards guide should’ve never been made to begin with. Too bad the director forgot to check with Sam Barsanti before…
Username checks out
Not that I would be watching this but what’s with the preemptive complaining about TV and movies nowadays? Are movies that depict mass shootings no longer acceptable because Americans can’t get their shit together on gun control? Are wars - things during which many people get shot and die - also out of bounds? How…
The underpaid store greeter (who is probably on food stamps) is going to tell the open carry gun nut to shop elsewhere? That would be above his pay grade (IMO)
I just arrived from a trip to Europe and it can’t be stressed enough how far superior their news coverage is compared to the freak show that passes for journalism in the US. Their newspapers are actually thick and well-written. Newscasts that give you local and international news, rather than a 24/7 parade of overpaid…
The superior, uncompressed audio tracks on Blu-ray discs alone make physical discs a worthy acquisition. On top of it you also get all the extras and audio commentaries.
And it only took them 5 years!
That was one of the finest TV show episodes in recent memory. I can’t wait for season 3
I’m from South America, born and raised, so I feel like I should be allowed to give my two cents on this: