brandon brindle

Fuckface, do you have any idea what the actual cost of student loans is? If the average student loan balance (among those who have loans) is $27,000, what percentage of people have loans greater than $27? Half, you say? No, you fucking idiot. Mean is not the median. The median student loan balance is less $14,000.

Not only that, but the wealthy and non-poor can simply leave. Poor people in the US don’t even have one passport. The intelligent and wealthy have at least 2. Possibly more. They are not stuck in America as it burns down.

Economic inequality? I understand that Nolan is a fucking moron, but even I am surprised deep into stupid he can get.

The US spends more on education already and ends up with people as stupid as you and Nolan. But you don’t know that because you can’t into math and are too fucking stupid to read one fucking study on the topic.

>How did we build a robust middle class and widespread prosperity after WWII?

Nah, I am pretty sure it does. It just depends on whether or not we consider it to be harassment or assault. I am not justifying it either. I think a better discussion needs to occur. But it definitely does happen to everyone. It is just a matter of recognizing situations as harassment or assault.

Why would this not happen to him or the others? They’re entire career is based upon being really really good loooking. If this happens to regular people (like ugly non-celebrity you or I), why would it not happen to very attractive people who are considered the most beautiful people on the planet? The only difference

Why? You are really claiming that you have never been inappropriately touched by anyone? This happens to everyone regardless of sex. Most of it is ignored because people don’t feel threatened or harmed. Not saying that is how it should be, but that is how it is.

At its peak, Australia made nearly 500,000 cars per year. Around the turn of the century, Australia was making about 380,000 vehicles per year. In the past few years it has been fewer than 200,000. The industry was never that big. Sweden has a larger automotive industry. Poland has a bigger industry. Romania. Spain.

He was a co-host with C. Daly’s New Year’s outfit, if memory serves. He has experience in this area.

It is actually a very good night for CNN. CNN wins cable news New Year’s Eve total and 18-54 demo viewers by a wide margin. Much of this was probably the wacky “look at me” hijinks of KG though.

Gambling requires risk. This has no risk. It can’t be gambling. When you place a wager, you are risking that wager (money, food, spouse) against someone else’s wager based upon the outcome of a specific event (from dice to RNG to feetball matches to sexual acts). Gambling with these boxes would require some risk

Biological differences between males and females have resulted in a society that some view as unequal (it is really not). Attacking a single sex for a behavior is okay because that sex has supposedly rigged society and culture. “They” hold all the power and control, so “they” must be held to a different set of

This presumes that people can gauge their level of understanding though. And that they are open to finding out that they are wrong. Neither may be correct.

Superglue (some type of cyanoacrylate) you can buy at the dollar store and other places are not good choices for wound care. They can give off heat during cure phase (exothermic reaction; especially in presence of cellulose), degrade fairly quickly, and can produce undesirable products as they degrade that you really

No one would be doing this had they included Aerobiz Supersonic as part of the collection in the first place. It made no sense to release the system without the greatest game ever made for it.

Update the story? It deserves its own article.

I am confused. Was this Roiland chap happy with how this turned out? Does he want me to yell at McDonald’s employees? I need to read things at least three times to understand them.

Why would he not be a good actor? Acting is not brain surgery or sleight of hand con artistry. It requires very little intelligence or talent. Anyone can act (and many try; see the number of productions paying little or nothing to actors who just want something for their “sizzle reel”.) How many people make the jump

>A lot of the allegations are false, as you know, but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.