brandon brindle

This is not about Avery as much as it is about distrust in the criminal justice system. He is the face of it all. Avery could be anyone. It would not matter. He could have been that guy from Arizona who was possibly framed by his wife, later helped by his son to get be released from prison, and then accused and

So doing nothing is the solution. You are right. You can’t stop people who are known by many to be abusive. You just have to ride it out.

I don’t think he is an asshole (did I call him an asshole?). I don’t see him as a hero though. He was aware of claims against Toback, believed them, and did not really try to do anything about it.

Does not know what “bad faith” means. Resorts to ad hominem.’

Louise presents an air of not caring, but does care about those see likes or admires. She has a nefarious side, but it gives way to selflessness. You are spot on with Teddy and Linda presuming that what they want is what everyone else wants. the sister is just selfish and needy to the point she is only annoying.

Her name is actually Gayle. I remember her name now. I also still hate her.

There is also no harm in reporting suspected behavior to the police, which is an element of civil cases. You would not take the case against Gunn, would you?

Shit analogy. It would be closer to something like:

Ad hominem: the refuge of the idiot!

Oh, I see how is going now. The possibility of suit is implied to mean that a suit would be brought and that Gunn would lose such a suit. I guess I should have been more clear. He could definitely be sued, but he has a defense.

It is second guessing actions, not victim blaming. I don’t blame people for being assaulted or harassed. Victim blaming would be saying that their trust of Toback, attire, or lifestyle choices led to them being victims. It is placing all responsibility for being victim of a crime on the victim himself/herself.

So a report to police about suspected criminal activity made in good faith opens a person up to a defamation suit? Is that really your claim? That is impossible. A person able to sue anyone who filed any police report for defamation if the charges were later dropped or person not convicted of that alleged crime.

People with more/direct knowledge may have been unwilling to talk and it may have gone nowhere, but it is impossible to know now because few people, if anyone, who were aware of his activities reported anything to the authorities.

No evidence and then a deflection. Great response! 1 billion up vote!!!

That is the shittiest excuse I have ever seen. That has nothing to do with his actions. The police being unable to act or unwilling to act does not change what his better courses of action were. You are merely excusing a person’s bad and wrongful behavior through the excuse of it being okay because of something that

I am pretty sure it does not. Police reports should be privileged, and there is no malice involved. He is not falsely reporting crimes. He is merely conveying information he has about possible criminal activity so that it can be followed up by the police. Police can then look at evidence to decide whether or not he

Teddy and Linda are the ones who least want to make others happy. They are the most selfish characters after the terrible sister (Chloe, maybe?). Teddy shows no concern ever for anyone who is not him. It is all about Teddy. He is not even flanderized to be this way. He is just getting bigger roles in stories, which

Was sexual assault not a crime 20 years ago? How exactly would informing the police about suspected criminal activity lead to a defamation suit?

Do you really think that will happen? How many people have done any reading about Puerto Rico? Or know anything about it? They jump on things that sound good no matter how unattainable or impractical they are (see Tesla selling battery and solar to island or Amazon setting up headquarters in Puerto Rico.) It is not

No. You don’t have to care about anyone who has problems. You should not even try. Most of the world is much more poor, dangerous, sick, and everything else bad than wherever you live. This is not about that.