brandon brindle

As long as it is not impairing his ability to perform at work. Work should not care what he does as long as he is doing what he is paid to do. But the league wants to pretend it is hard on drugs. As though it matters. This guy is not flying airplanes or running a nuclear plant. He is some dumb muscled moron telling

It should be mentioned that this sauce is being sold on eBay for astronomical prices. The label alone can fetch $50.

They never saw it coming.

It is so nice that your home, place of employment, favorite restaurants, giant server farms to that run the porn you watch, and everything else was naturally put there before animals existed....

PREPA runs lots of power producing facilities. The ones producing bulk of energy are running on fuel oil.

Ralphie May also saved the life of a child who was choking last year, which is more than most other people have done.

I don’t think it is that hard to find now. I was in a Walmart the other day checking the clearance stuff (Roku Premiere non-plus is $40; nothing else is worth buying). As I left, I noticed that the Switch display was packed with regular and splatoon bundles. No interest at all. No one buying. No one looking.

I don’t think it is that hard to find now. I was in a Walmart the other day checking the clearance stuff (Roku

Why would they include a staff member’s tweet when it added nothing to the article?

So you guys are including your own tweets in articles now?

Except these abuses of power happen in other industries as well. Powerful men (and a much much smaller number of powerful women) offer favors and preferential treatment to people—usually attractive young people—in exchange for sexual activities. Some of those people accept proposition and perpetuate problem. Others

It was the same way HBO started. HBO had some original content, but mostly aired the same horrible cheaply available movies over and over again. Then it faced competition and moved to an area that can drive revenue through syndication. I don’t know what the syndi. situation is at Netflix though.

Not really. They are hoping that the movie revives interest. They have convention about ponies every year in, like, Baltimore or something. It has lost half of its attendance over the past few years. That is the one for the adult “brony” fanbase. Hasbro has its own family-friendly con in some other state. I don’t know

This is how the industry has operated for a long time. Pretty young things of both sexes have intimate relations with mostly disgusting old men—or are expected to do so. at least—as a way differentiating oneself from the competition. It is whence the “old dinosaur” thing comes.

So this fella wrote a script for a time travel show where they stop the Spanish armada or something. And NBC stole the idea. Maybe. Probably not. It is on his YouTube. That story would probs be more interesting than his appearance on some lame morning show. No one knows about it either. The video has like 500 views.

It’s embedded as the first video of the article.

Female is a biological descriptor. It is used for all life, including humans. I would imagine most definitions for “woman” would include the word female. It sounds a bit strange in this context though. It has much more place in clinical/research usage. “Differences in severity of head injury between male and female

He does well in audiovisual pop culture categories, so he is getting that info somehow.

no. 300-series is not compatible with 6th and 7th gen cpus. 100 and 200-series is not compatible with 8th gen cpus.

It’s both. Or has elements of both. It does not need the sci-fi elements. You can strip out the space ships and put Darth Vader in any place and any time (like evil prince Vader in a medieval castle), but not remove the fantasy. You need the magic powers to blow up that castle.