brandon brindle

And this is the problem with much of the more popular sci-fi and fantasy masquerading as “sci-fi”.

Inception (2010) exemplifies the greatest problem for sci-fi as a genre: really really dumb and ludicrous works are showered with acclaim by a viewing audience that is easy to impress.

Underground lines have advantages and disadvantages. The lines are more resistant to storm damage, but are much more expensive to install and maintain. Everything with underground is expensive. Redundancy increases costs. You need redundancy to hopefully reduce effects of damage that does occur. Repairs replacements,

The fundamental problem is that identity is not just want to you want to be or want to be seen as. Identity is who you are as a person and that identity continues to stay with you until you are no longer a person. Identity includes life history. It can’t be changed. You can try to hide it, but the history and choices

You would think someone with an English degree would at least be able write well. The discount bloggers that Univision hires are no good at everything.

bringing up outliers to prove a trend. I know someone who failed all their math courses.

Because the value of labor varies between different businesses and sectors. Say you wanted to start a business that sold nothing but grilled chicken sandwiches. I decide to start a business that provide financial advice to millionaires. My employee pay would be significantly higher than yours. I get lower tax rate for

>Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.

They aren’t. Go to the link on mass shootings and see for yourself. Rifles and shotguns are not used in crime. This is an outlier. Look to crime stats. The focus is here because it can cause a strong emotional reaction in people like you who are not so bright, but angry and hate-filled.

And being illegal means what? Police and military members steal weapons to sell on the black market. Technology can’t even keep strangers out of your bank account. life is not Judge Dredd.

Use with an antecedent of indeterminate gender is not the same thing as use with specific individual of known gender. Use with specific persons, especially in groups, sounds confusing and wrong.

This person is actually so stupid that he or she believes criticism of those who dislike Trump is support for Trump. Art or English major, sport? Private for-profit school, right?

That is very logical. I respect your intellect and debate skills. I am so serial right now. The world is black and white with only two options. You should be a philosopher.

Four people were indicted for the 2016 hack. Two were Russian “spies” (they worked for FSB). The others were Kazakh national residing in Canada and a Russian guy in Russia who was indicted in the past for other hacking.. The only interesting point in this one is that one of the FSB agents, a former hacker turned

This is dumb and why I hate the tv “comedy.”

>Noah pressed Himes on the fact that Las Vegas mass murderer Stephen Paddock’s choice of semi-automatic weapons represents but a small percentage of the types of guns used most often in gun deaths, but Himes wasn’t having it.

Huh? This guy was smart (at least relatively) who had a significant amount of resources available to him. The government can’t protect you from someone like him. There is no reasonable set of legislation, technology, or anything else that can. He had a goal, the ability to make a plan to achieve it, and the resources

Not to mention the potential problems that come with collecting that insignificant judgment. How much time and money is someone going to devote a $60 loss?

The money problems are the reason for the humanitarian crisis. The failing infrastructure is a result of the island not maintaining or updating its infrastructure because it was putting the money it borrowed elsewhere. Everyone who is suddenly so concerned about Puerto Rico was nowhere to be found when the territory’s