brandon brindle

Stop trying to be empathetic and start looking for real solutions? Or does that not make you feel good? Do you need the tingle that throwing a few bucks at a problem gives?

Emigrate, you would mean. That is the leaving on.

>war in Yemen

I am actually quite reasonable. I love learning and sharing knowledge. I don’t put up with people half-assing things though. No one has an excuse to be ignorant when information is available for free all the time.

I am right. You know it. You know nothing about anything regarding law. Or government. Or health care. Or diplomacy. You don’t read, but still have opinions. They are based on nothing, but who cares, right?

Oh, burn! I am still right. I still know more than you. Lots more. Reading does that for a person. Not being an emotional fool helps though. You would like not that. You can’t be a hateful little child.

You have still never shown where I have been wrong....

You don’t even know that the laws are. You are ignorant and stupid, which is basically says you are an American. You prefer ideology to learning and solving problems. “But common sense!” Except everything you believe is completely wrong and not backed up by evidence. You have an emotional reaction because you are too

You don’t understand math and not intelligent though, so nothing makes sense you. You find solutions before understanding problems. Emotions, please, I can’t into logic.

Media are the things you use to make art, like finger paint on construction paper, big fat wax crayons on construction paper, and dried pasta glued to construction paper. That is not what anime is.

How does that make you an expert?

Why do you believe that? What is it based on? The guy here did not wake up and decide to do this that morning. It was planned in advance.

Because it creates opposition that prevents solutions. That is why you care. Or why smart people care. You are an asshole though who hates everyone who does not think like you. You think that they should be punished. Becaue you are a genius who knows everything.

Insults because you don’t like reality? Cute. You are a winner and really intelligent. I am be seriously here

It does nothing but piss people off. The majority of murders, crimes, and assaults where the type of firearm is known are committed with handguns. It seems the criminals like concealable weapons that are easy to hide, carry, and dispose of after committing a crime.

It is normally bad, but they have good intentions and are doing it to help women. That makes it okay. Don’t you know how this works?

Catcher in the Rye is trash. The only decent thing about the Beatles is that their first Ed Sullivan appearance interested Davy Jones in being a pop star (Jones appeared on that episode as a cast member of Oliver and watched the girls go crazy for some talentless brits.)

He went out rather well. The band’s recent tour received a great fan response and a lot of positive press. Petty referred to the tour as the “last big one”, though his bandmates disagreed. It is really sad that Petty was right.

Huh? This is all true. Look to the real analysis of DRPK’s military. It is not a threat to the US as a whole. Even the nuke program gets far more attention that it should. What RoK and Japan have to worry about is conventional weapons and chemical weapons. DPRK has a nice supply of VM, VX, GB, and other chemical

Of course the motivations matter. Terrorism are acts of violence or property damage with the intent to further an ideology or send a political message. That is what is. The use and misuse of terrorism has resulted in it being meaningless. It just means anything big now.