brandon brindle

Few counties use single payer. I suggest getting a passport and traveling around the world. It will educate you.

I had a policy of waiting 30 days before upgrading, but I am now changing that to waiting 31 days. Those blasted hackers won’t trick me an 8th time!

It is not even a great point. Celebrities are neither right nor wrong because of their celebrity. That is how facts and credibility work. The speaker of a fact or not fact does not change the veracity. We know that. We don’t need some celebrity to affirm it for us.

If only there was a system to deal with crime that did not involve the violent fantasies of the mentally differently advantaged persons.... Can’t someone please think of one?

Single payer does nothing to reduce costs or improve care. The payer does not matter. Health care is not expensive because of the payer. In fact, health care is expensive partly in response to various payers gaining more power and leverage. Managed care really pissed off doctors who claimed that payers were taking

Relatable terms do not solve the problem. They make it worse. The emotion of health care makes it much harder to discuss it in a rational way. Adding specific poor sick babies to the mix just makes it more difficult.

No, it is an emotional appeal because no one will say no to a baby. Emotion takes precedence over rationality. The question is how much do we spend on a baby with a congenital condition. What is the limit? Some babies will die because no payer will cover and family can’t afford care. Those are the breaks of public

The military spending is $600 billion and includes personnel costs. Equipment and materiel is a small portion of that. Trying to reduce spending is fought against because it causes job losses. BRAC ran into that problem a decade ago.

But it is not the case. The baby is used for emotion. If you want to call for all care for everyone, use a criminal or a child molester. No positive emotion there. This baby victim crap is documented by scientists. We feel more compassion for individual victims. We are sad about some dirty Syrian kid and them send

Ha ha ha. You don’t know anything. Thanks for admitting that. You have no understanding of health care or economics. None. You are the average idiot who thinks that “common sense” is the solution. You don’t read anything on the issue. You can’t.

So this is set in a time when the youngest Nazis would be in their 50s and the older ones would be knocking on 80? I am not so sure if I agree that people will be into a show about killing old people due to the “current American political climate.”

Except that military spending covers personnel and health care costs already....

In a hole? Hardly. I doubt that a high school dropout is going to best me in an argument.

That is horsephooey. Biologics and oncology drugs (as examples, but not limited to them) don’t suddenly become cheaper in other systems. The systems just don’t cover them.

It is the same issue in every case. Some care is not worth doing. Some care is worth doing. Keeping someone alive is not the only goal in medicine.

I am educated and informed. I am the opposite of you, dummy.

It is emotional nonsense that people use as an excuse for their own selfishness.

Access can be a right. Care cannot be. No one can claim it is. Health care resources are limited.

So you are claiming that lives of babies are more important than the lives of everyone else? Oh, but it is baby and must feel bad for specific baby. Kindly go screw. Selfish people want all the care possible for them because they don’t care about anyone else. That is being a sociopath, brother/sister.

Clinton’s response to DRPK would be pretty much the same as Trump’s. Strong talk would be the public image while the diplomacy happened hidden away. The tough talk would be a warning to DPRK that going to far in a show of force exercise might be misinterpreted as an attack that would predicate military response.