brandon brindle

The military budget is like $600 billion. In the best case scenario, where all unnecessary costs are reduced and no new costs are added, the cost of health care in the US would be around $2 trillion. Military and other waste have no bearing on or relationships to health care.

>I.e., ensuring that, under the bill, a child born with congenital heart disease would be able to get all the care they needed in their first year of life.

Well, they reduced lifetime protection to 10 years for Bush and Obama, but then decided to extend it to life again so Bush, Obama, Trump, and what comes next will all get protection for the rest of their lives. Bush and Trump are both 71. Obama is only 56, so he is looking at like 30 years of protection.

Misprints and errors are not as sought after in record collecting as they are in other collection hobbies.

Is it that hard to spell “Toronto”?

Kids still want toys. They just don’t need Toys ‘Я’ Us to get them. TRU lost b&m market dominance around the turn of the century when Walmart became biggest toy seller. The company never had any real strength in the online market. Their early attempts were so bad that they entered into a deal with Amazon to sell toys,

Since it closed down nearly 15 years ago, I don’t think that brand will be affected to any great degree.

The secret service has been complaining of money issues for years. You can go back to re-read (or, in the case of ignoranuses, read for the for first time) stories of how the agency refused to update aging alarm systems or even replace broken nonfunctional alarm systems at the residences of individuals under its

It is mentioned in the shipyards section. The shipyard has an interesting story as well as the guy that ran the company was a prominent political fundraiser who invented the $100/plate dinner and even scored an ambassadorship, which he lost after being accused of bribery and providing shoddy work to the government.

Blown opportunity to mention concrete ships. The majority of these ships were traditional steel, but supply shortages led the US government to order a small number of concrete Liberty ships in 1942. The ships were constructed and used to support US operations during the war.

The most recent numbers for OTT streaming subscriptions say that about 60% of households subscribe to at least one. The majority are one of the “big three” (n-flix, a-zon, h-lu). Fewer than 1 in 10 broadband subscribers subscribes to only a lower tier OTT (sports, wrestling, that stupid comedy one that shut down,

That is just as moronic. It would eat up all the resources available for people who actually need them so you can get extra money that is worth less than money earned through employment, investing, etc. $10,000 per year per person is trillions of dollars. More than government spends now. The economic harm would be

The author is just as bad as the people behind this business venture. Worse actually. The privilege that oozes out of every line of this piece is sickening. Bodegas are not good for communities. They are expensive and lack options. People spend more for less. They dump money into vices that reduce quality of life for

The bill won’t pass and it shouldn’t. It is moronic. It is supported by stupid people who did not fail economics because they failed to even take a basic course in the subject. Nothing in this bill would work to reduce costs or improve health care outcomes.

Roosevelt created monopolies because the dolt, much like you, did not understand how to deal with prices in times of recession. The rest is just idiotic nonsense that fails to understand the basic concept of economics.

That is not how income or money work. How can an adult be so ignorant? Further, you completely ignore that the poorest households are not working anyway. Minimum wage does not matter when the poorest quintile fewer than 1 wage earners per household.

Most countries don’t have single payer, you moronic non-traveling simpleton. You don’t even know what single payer means. It is just a buzzword that you toss around because you think that his how health care works in far off lands you will never travel to because you are don’t have a passport and don’t know how to get

This is dumb because the age of consent is rarely 18 in North America. US is 16-18 with most states only a small number of states at 18. 17 is considered legally sex-with-able in many many places. Nevada, where Vegas is, has an age of consent set at 16, which is the same as Canada.

It is direct permission to use the work to create specific types of derivative works from the IP owner. They make no other dictations as to what can be done with the work regarding streams. The “mixed signals” would not benefit them in court. This is the company’s position. Not some employee saying it on twitter. The

Because someone either has authorization to create a derivative work from a copyright protected work or they do not. It cannot be “go do this with our IP” and then saying that it is illegal and not authorized. The IP holder told people they could do it. The original IP owner has no control over the legally produced