brandon brindle

The company can’t have it both ways. Either they are authorizing people to stream and video the game or the streams and videos are infringement on the company’s IP rights. It must be one or the other.

Except they give game owners explicit permission to make streams. It is even covered in their FAQ.

These videos are not reviews. They are public performances. That is normally disallowed. However, most companies have some stream agreement (no profit streams through twitch only, for example) or give direct permission for players to stream and create videos with the game. The streams are free advertising for the

His audience says the same things. Play any popular multiplayer game after school lets out. It is foul mouth children.

Patients don’t care about price. They don’t pay. they don’t know prices. No one says that cancer meds are $150,000 to keep someone alive for a few extra weeks (your idiotic cancer example. You know that oncology sees drugs with some of the highest costs/qaly, right?) They doctor offers, and patient finds out if the

Univision is doing much better in the digital space than they are with traditional linear television. The purchase of gawker assets and onion has significantly boosted their online performance. Fusion had fewer readers than writers and the site had to clean house. Now they are cross promoting stories across a variety

It is not my fault that Kinja is broken. I am not being condescending. I am correctly pointing out how little the average moron knows about health care and the economics of health care. It is not as simple as dullards want to believe.

Chicago is populous city now, but growth rate is very very low. It has been below national average for years and years. Illinois is currently one of the few states with a negative population growth rate. People have no real reason to live there. The same culture plus more is available in cities with better weather and

Gypsy cab is one term for this type of thing, but I doubt that would be more popular on the television than Uber.

This ignores that both patients and doctors create situation where large amount of care is unnecessary. Both groups admit that inefficient and ineffective care is provided, but think it is done by others to other patients.

Which is simply a way of you admitting that you know nothing about health care. Not in the US. Not anywhere. You don’t know the health care part. You don’t know the economics part. You are an idiot whose life is ruled by emotions.

>On Clinton’s accusations (dubbed “pony promises,” as Colbert notes) that Sanders’ unbending adherence to overpromising divided the left, Sanders countered with a list of progressive issues (universal healthcare, free college, a $15 minimum wage, criminal justice reform) which he claims have become mainstreamed by his

Just like there is nothing stopping you from not being an idiot and coming up with a worthwhile analogy.

Which came a few years after the wired remote control.

Change your name to “I know nothing about economics.” Your ideas are pure ignorance.

Shut up. John Olliver is in the top 1% of the world’s richest people. You are in the top 10% (at worst). Shut the hell up about inequality. You have more than 99.99999999% of all people who have ever lived could ever dream of.

That would only hold for a small number of lower income persons. Not having co-pays or other techniques of creating price sensitivity would make health care even more expensive.

No one cares about inefficiency though. It is all about ideology. Medicine has made great strides in many areas, but no one cares because they don’t “prove” anyone’s political views. Look at improvments made regarding nosocomial infections. Lives and money saved. Does anyone care? No. People want to push their

Great plan to destroy the US economy. Post-war America suceeded because the rest of the world was literally blown up. Unless you plan on destroying Europe and the BRICS, your tax plan will cause flight of capital and severely reduce government revenue.

That does not work as an analogy. The USPS has a monopoly on first class mail. It exists because no one else is allowed to do its job. Ever notice how all the FedEx envelopes say “extremely urgent” on them? That is the only “mail” that FedEx and UPS can legally carry.