brandon brindle

Except there is no evidence that more doctors would reduce costs of care. The evidence goes the opposite way. When more doctors open up shop in one area, they provide more care to increase revenue. They may do surgeries earlier or become more aggressive in cases where results are questionable.

This is a really bad article and the author should feel bad for writing it.

No one can have a right to health care because health care is not some monolithic good. A right to health care is a very silly notion that says nothing.

Medicare reimbursement rates are fixed based on the prevailing market price of intervention. Private pay cash patients are charged sticker price. There is no group to set or negotiate lower prices for people paying cash. Charity offices and discounts reduce their actual cost, but their bills would be the highest.

The US spends $600 billion on the military (which includes military health care) and nearly $3 trillion on health care. Canada’s schools must be as bad as the ones in the US if you think $600 billion is bigger than $2.7 trillion.

Verrit is not really about facts though. If you look through the “real” things on there, some are just quotes or statements presented as facts. I guess they are because someone said it, but what they said is not under any scrutiny.

Much like with MTV and the Weather Channel, I would blame the internet. The ability to find nearly any recipe right now with a video really harmed the original core purpose of Food Network. The network shifted to something people can’t find online: bad game shows and phony surveillance crap. If cupcakes were hot two

And it is only a recent phenomenon. Mario was not the referee in Tennis (1984) nor the golf man in 1991's NES Open Tournament Golf. Not at all.

Has dehorning ever been shown to be successful in thwarting poachers? Dehorned rhinosaurs still have a nub that contains magical boner-inducing properties in Vietnam. While poachers want more horn, they would take what they can get. They are not checking the rhino before killing it.

Genies not in magic lamps. It should say. Last line. No ability to edit, I guess.

Bourdain is just so proud of his rock star image. Zimmern was just as much of an addict, but he is not proud of it. Zimmern grew up, got sober, and has a great time trying different foods. Bourdain still acts like people will be impressed by how “punk” he is. It is a shame because he knows food.

It was the point when Food Network went from celebrity chef to celebrity. The cooking and learning took a back seat to the personality of the great new hosts. You do not need a culinary education to be a great cook or teach people how to cook, but it should still be about the food. Not throwing packaged crap together

How could this not exist in America? Rich people can have any schools they want. Unschooling and less structured real schools do exist in the US.

Not that we should expect anything more, but this is a really strange story in which to seek “authenticity”.

Every restaurant on the US version has a clueless owner, is in the red by hundreds of thousands of dollars, has absolutely no concept of sanitation, and turns out oversized portions of frozen food. Most are beyond saving and purely about spectacle of Gordon being upset the kitchen is full of bugs.

There was a time when I liked Kevin Smith even though I no longer enjoyed his work. Then I realized how needy and insecure the guy is. Any criticism or small inconvenience became an indicator of personal vendetta against him. People don’t dislike his movies, they are really attacking him as a person. The criticisms

Bourdain has a lot of faults, but still can make interesting shows that are entertaining and informative. Zimmern is a big dork, but a great guy who is completely authentic. Both hosts feature tremendous breadth and depth of food on their shows.

It is more than his image. If people only cared about image, than ultra hip “punk rock” Tony Bourdain would be hated much more than he is.

The nuclear program was much more secretive before Bush II took offfice. It was suspected that DPRK was trying to develop nuclear weapons, but they did not complete any tests until the 2000s.

That is not how juche works. DRPK philosophy/policy/cult is based around “self-reliance”. DPRK works for itself and protects itself. It is like old timey fascism (the real kind, not what dumb people call everything they disagree with.) The people are strong and working for the good of the state and its exulted