brandon brindle

DPRK cannot overrun RoK. DPRK would lose any war against RoK. Not just lose. DRPK would be destroyed. DRPK has a large weak military running mostly outdated weapons systems. The focus in the past several years has been ICBMs and nuclear weapons. Very expensive for a poor country. The conventional forces have seen

China will not depose the leadership. A unified Korea is a US ally Korea on China’s border. China is expected to reign in DPRK to keep the military from creeping closer to hitting the US mainland. That is what this is about. DPRK has the launch vehicle. They have the payload (allegedly). All they need now are better

Fieri’s shows are all that is wrong with modern food television. His “triple ‘d’” show is all fried food. His personality is overwhelming. He does not convey much in the way of information. He absolutely loves everything. He is a more annoying version of Rachel Ray.

How do you explain Andrew Zimmern? He is decidedly uncool, nice, and very popular.

True. This really is not the site to make anything over spelling and grammer errors. Sometimes the writers here fail to copy facts correctly from the source article.

Violent thugs are not better because you agree with them. Claiming they are only shows that you are a violent thug yourself. Or want to be if you were not such a coward.

She would not have any claim to the original song. Her claim would be her specific recording, which is already licensed in some way (normally covers are a matter of compulsory licensing, but compulsory license does not allow changing the song).

Sports-type games would work as they are not violent. Rocket League has a sizeable following of young people. Though I doubt kids would watch the Olympics just for e-”sports”.

The guy who owned Little Caesars also owned the Detroit Red Wings.

Looks like Guy Fieri has some competition for most rock ‘n’ roll restauranteur. I cannot imagine the food could be any worse than Fieri’s. Image will settle this score.

>As everyone should’ve expected, the casting announcement was met with some controversy for being yet another example of Hollywood whitewashing a traditionally Asian character.

Tedious? Sounds like someone has never moved all the stickers from page 11 to page 4.

Sort of. The law prohibited carrying of knifes that were over 5.5 inches as well as specific types of edged weapons, like thrown weapons, swords, daggers, and bowie knives. The 5.5 inch requirement allows Mac to carry a pocket knife, but would keep Murdoc from legally carrying a machete. The law had some exceptions

Your grocer probably has goose. It is frozen though because people don't buy them regularly. It will also be somewhat expensive. Like $40-80, depending on size.

These animals have dedicated farm systems and lots of money invested into research. As we learned in the wonderful MST3k short "The Chicken of Tomorrow", chickens have greatly increased in size due to breeding. Also, speed is essential. Research into cattle and pigs has also resulted in a more consistent product

Roosters are bad bets. They are great when they are young because they are so friendly. Pullets run and hide, but cockerels explore and come right up to you. They get mean when they get older though.

Turtles are subject to bans and restrictions. The popularity of turtle, which could be found in the grocery store, and lack of aquaculture led to reduction in numbers, which raised prices. The FDA banned sales of live turtles under 4 inches in the 1970s in response to people buying them as pets and their idiot kids

Weird how she never went back to game shows. She was a fixture on several old shows, but then nothing.

Rooftop for boxing scene.