brandon brindle

You don't find that out. I wondered that as well. The example on the camp site is the rifle range that was used for the archery scenes. It is still a rifle range. But the actual stalls appear to have been replaced long ago.

It was a plea for a lesser charge. Polanski's conviction was sex with a minor. He said he did not do the other stuff.

Does the imprint still exist? I don't think that any of the artists listed as still with Ruthless above are actually with them any longer. I am fairly certain BTNH left years ago.

The 1980s revivals and spinoffs were mostly very bad though, and some ran for longer than the original property. that was my point here. The Hanna-Barbera properties were big for revival. They ended up as a programming block and got an amusement park simulator ride. I don't see that happening again.

Firing is not censorship. It has nothing to do with censoring views. Removing songs because of the lyrics is censorship. It is illegal for the government to do it, but that does not mean that censorship by a private company is not censorship.

The problem with Charlottesville or any of these events is not the people were armed. The problem is a minority of people of all political stripes attend with the intent of committing violence. Some justify it through categorizing disagreeable speech as violence (When is Speech Violence?), which makes aggression

It is censorship just as the restaurant example is discrimination. Neither are illegal. 1a prevents state action, not private decisions. Anti-discrimination laws protect certain groups.

Flawed and actually an example of hate speech. Your belief that anyone who is a pedophile also touches kids is unfair to pedophiles and leads to unnecessary persecution. According to two people who claimed to pedophiles that I chatted with on omegle, they are so ashamed that they can't even discuss it with their

Actually, they can and they do. A pedophile or anyone else can be proud of his or her pedophilia, openly call for legalization of pedophilia, and support pedophilic relationships. (Not that people can convert others to pedophilia. Pedophilia has been found to be more like a sexual orientation than a choice.

You are saying that violence is okay when it a group you don't like. Exactly that. Your consequentialist view is wrong. You are just as much of a bully as the people you hate. You have chosen a target that is very small and has no support. Your violence will not be questioned nor will anyone oppose it. That is

Did they not claim to have improved their pizza in recent years? I have not attended one of these "Cheese's", but I remember reading about it.

Because the internet has not made the world a better place….

The Jetsons had a revival in the 90s because the show was brought back in the 1980s. As with "Munsters Today", the 80s version actually has more episodes than the original series. Classic 1960s "Jetsons" had 24 episodes. 1980s Jetsons saw twice as many. And Orbitty (who thankfully did not appear in the movies or

The relationships are mentioned to pad the theme song. None are necessary as they are all implied by the action of the intro. The problem with not mentioning though is that the theme becomes "meet George Jetson… Elroy… Judy… Jane" and someone has to write new lyrics.

"I am not a consequentialist, but I believe that attacking people I see as bad is okay because the target is bad."

Why would self-driving vehicles look like regular vehicles? Self-driving cars are not an incremental process. They only drive themselves. Always. Self-driving cars have no need for controls or steering wheels or people looking out or in. They have no reason to resemble a regular vehicle.

It is not just people opposed to evolution who don't understand it. People who "believe" in evolution think that it is a direct process leading to some ultimate level of life, which is usually human-like. Things just keep getting better. They also tend to believe that evolution is caused by outside factors. Like

Interestingly, (to me, at least, but I like learning things), there is no real evidence supporting the idea that people have to take the entire course of an antibiotic after they begin to feel better. Recent research has indicated that stopping antibiotics is actually preferable than overuse. A shorter term could

Disgraced? I don't like him either, but he is far from disgraced. This dumb video managed 500,000 views in less than 4 hours. He still gets millions of view on all the crap he puts up. a video called "Should I shave?" got 3.6 million views in the 4 days it has been up. He gets millions of views on anything he