brandon brindle

People don't watch for the games. They watch for the personality. Which usually means lots of screaming and constant use of the "f-word". Or the other "f-word." The audience is mostly children, so they eat it up.

I was not serious about Russian influence. I was mocking the idea that the people on your side do not support violence. Half of this thread is violent underinformed morons endorsing or supporting violence.

The Shah handled everything poorly after the revolution started, and a large number of the people were opposed. They would say the good side did win.

I am sure you have read all these articles already, but I linked them anyway. For other people who are not as well read as you and I.

That's the ticket. Misuse the word troll. Ad hominem. Show everyone how smart you are. I don't mean this to be insulting, but you are not intelligent. Nor at the people you seek to impress.

Fascism does not have a place now. It did not have a place after the depression when FDR sought American style fascism. The courts and legal system still function. People still have rights. Political parties exist. America does not even have a nation to be fascist. The country is not homogenous.

It most definitely is. Ohio is separated into the northern part along lake erie (industry and commerce) and the southern part that is very very southern.

Well, unless they are actually murdering, then you really can't claim any type of defense argument. Just vile hatred and inability to deal with anything diplomatically.

Russia's annexation of Ukraine is not recognized by anyone. Kuwait was a minor victory that led to a much larger response by the "good guys." Iraq was expelled from Kuwait.

It may be, but the term is used as an insult to stop any criticism of liberal ideas or politicians.

Different political views are not reason for use of violence nor support of it. Doing so makes you a fascist. Fascists believed that the military and police would need to strongly oppose those against them. Violence was okay if the result was for the good of the nation.

It is a mistake, not an indicator of evilness. Monuments to those who died in wars against indigenous people are not pulled down. They are ignored.

Trying to take over Europe is use of force, which justifies self-defense. Saying something one does not like is not the same thing.

What examples? Name a winner with power that is seen as evil or wrong now. Not in terms of the choices in the conflict. The entirety of it. Even the recent wars under Bush and Obama are justified by their supporters. When they are bad, they are bad for good reasons.

That was not possible for several reasons. The confederacy was the US. Germany was not. The US also has its first amendment.

The battle against indigenous people are mostly minimized and ignored now. The descendants of indigenous people are poorest ethnic group in the country and suffer from a large number of health problems. We get to mostly forget that though. It was bad, but it was in the past.

Says someone who is violent and dangerous. Probably a cowardly loser in real life as well. Were you bullied as a kid?

No, it is not. Antifa is a movement that started in Europe as a response to fascism and similar movements. It gained resurgence in the past few decades. it mostly composed of anarchists who see the state as corrupt and harmful, so they support the use of violence to achieve their goals.

Yeah, because violent morons don't call for or support violence against those who disagree. Not even once. your side is pure. this is proved because you, mr or ms English major, is on it.

"alt-left' is more interesting because much of the use is liberals and leftists as a way to accuse certain members of not being true enough. Terms like "neo-liberal" are used in the same way. They are insults to attack those who do not agree and also separate them from your superior position. The pure are able to