brandon brindle

Berlin has to accept it. The winning sides required unconditional surrender and left no room for negotiation after the war. Also, most, if not all, European countries have laws against inciting hatred that including specific references to the holocaust and NSDAP. It is illegal to trivialize, glorify, or downplay

What major conflicts? Not smaller war or battles that were part of a larger whole.

It is not an equivalence. It is acknowledging context. This assumes that the differences between groups were solely a few ideological points that made one good and one evil.

Both sides are now wrong because they lost though. That is how history works. The winning side proves its moral superiority through the act of winning. In an alternate history world, the right and wrong sides would be different.

You are claiming that Ohio and Maryland are not closer culturally to Kentucky and Virginia then? That is funny.

Illinois is not in the general vicinity of the northeast, which was the historic north. The midwest is culturally distinct from the northeast and the south.

The campaigns are typically "dumb people" campaigns. Like ones that don't require much knowledge of history or an individual.

Maryland is the south both in terms of culture and geography. Anything west or south of Pennsylvania and New Jersey is the south. Ohio is southern. Delaware is southern.

The media already does it. Neo-nazis are the villains in many shows. Except they all suck. They turn the Nazis into cartoons. It becomes more silly than frightening. It is very dumb and lazy. For those who have not seen the shows, the treatment is similar to drug dealers and other criminals in the 1980s (they

Eugenics was very popular in the US at the around the turn of the 20th century. Nazis actually got ideas from Americans. the Rockefeller Foundation funded eugenics research in Germany during the 1930s. Prominent academics who favored eugenics as a way to maintain whatever-purity supported German policies.

Hollywood would be better off honoring the memory of C. Haim and finishing the trilogy. According to C. Feldman, they were developing both License to Fly and License to Dive. The original was good, but those two sequel ideas sound even better.

Yeah, and the joke was that gramps ruined the family's BMW while the kid ruined his car.

Text messaging as a phone concept dates back to mid-1980s, but sending text-based messages through some type of electronic medium has existed for much much longer. The printing telegraph, which was developed in the 1840s and used a piano style keyboard to input text, is a very early example. Ticker tape,

It is a cms and news aggregator gawker made to improve interaction with community and make more money on that interaction. Univision bought with gawker. The Gizmodo sites are using it. It has many issues that range from difficulty of reading and writing comments (comment sort; can't delete comments) to aesthetics

It does though. You are responding to expression with physical violence. And trying to justify inflicting actual harm based on something being offensive.

Godaddy can do whatever it wants. This is a civil matter, not a criminal act. If they get sued, they deal with it. They have the benefit of the group not being sympathetic as a litigant or to the public.

"Justified" or "righteous" violence is the same in both cases. It has the same origin. Each group sees itself as victim and has to use violence to protect itself. Even if that violence is proactive instead of reactive. It helps that they both come out in the safety of groups where cowardly violence and aggression

Godaddy gives examples of what will be seen as morally objectionable, but none is close to this situation (yeah, it allow for other "morally objectionable behavior" as well, but stretching "morally objectionable" to its limit would net other sites before this one.)

Stop quoting Anonymous like it is a real group. Everyone can speak on its behalf because no one actually can. The same goes for people doing anything and saying that they are part of Anonymous. It does not exist. There is no official membership like the Clowns of America, International. People just do stuff and

Godaddy was not hosting the site. Godaddy provided DNS.