brandon brindle

Few companies have the libraries to make a worthwhile service. Disney has a huge library and likes control. Shifting everything to Disney would be a way to ensure that the product is successful. Disney has a major following and rights to many "classic" properties.

Goldeneye does not hold up. The problem is the control schemes. Even the best possible control schemes using two controllers were trash. It was an auto aim fest with too few opponents.

Some still could, but the deals would need to be secret. When countries develop materiel for the military, they often make a version for the export market. Not every country has the capacity to build everything. The UN has banned exports of military technology and hardware to DPRK. This was before the other

I was explaining the quote and why DPRK is not seen as a significant threat right now. A few hundred thousand people would probably die if DPRK ever decided to strike. Then hundreds of thousands to millions in DPRK in the aftermath. Average American can rest easy though. Guam and Alaska are at risk, but only if

People should "sleep well" because DPRK, in spite of the threats, has no way to attack 99.99% of the US. It cannot strike the US mainland. It has demonstrated the technology to get a bomb out in space, but no RV to get it back into the atmosphere nor the guidance technology to hit a target with any degree of

DPRK spends a lot on the military. As a percentage of GDP, it is 24%. The point is to reduce money going in to DPRK so it is not longer able to put as much into research. It also stops military tech from entering the country, though civilian tech that can be modified still makes it over the border. The big trucks

OPM breach? That was a doozy.

Changing passwords was a good idea in the past because many passwords were stored as plaintext and people employ the same passwords for different systems. It was actually possible to "recover" some passwords back in the dark ages. The system would store your password of "pizza123pizza" as "pizza123pizza" in the

The entire point of buying Onion and Gawker was to drive millennials to Fusion and other Univision branded content. Univision failed get eyeballs, so they bought up stuff people already liked. Linking all the brands gets people to read across different "sites".

That's the point. Unified design for Univision's web presence to increase traffic and capture those millennial clicks.

Humoring people and not correcting them is treating people as though they are stupid. That is your solution. Nothing is funnier than people showing how awful they are when they want to look good.

People don't ask to be polite. They want to find information in roundabout way. That was the point of Pat.

I wasn't wrong, you idiot. I miswrote something. I wrote minority instead of majority. It happened. You are a neuro expert. you know that people make mistakes in use of language. I acknowledged that with someone else. Percentage of male nurses is well below historical highs. This one has a much more

Because you would not treat other people that way.

It makes more sense then than it does now. People are upfront about preferred pronouns and identity now. Back then people just wanted to be as polite as possible. Asking someone if they are a man or woman would have been very rude. Especially to someone who was not GSM.

This could be the most disrespectful and condescending comment on here. Congratulations!

Struck a nerve, huh? Don't worry. You can pretend to be important and smart on the internet. No one will know that you are a failure in real life. But realize that this is your life. You are middle age, stupid, and acting like a 14 year old on the internet. Pathetic shit, sir or madam.

Ha ha ha. Middle age loser tries to be young and fails. Is this practice for when you are at work and want to sound cool in front of the manager that is half your age?

I like it when 45 year olds use words like "nerdrager". Definitely the mark of a successful person. I also like it when such a person shows his or her remendous ignorance on every subject. How dumb can someone be? Well, "recognitions" will show us.