brandon brindle

"The Baby Game". Baby races have been off American television for far too long.

Ignore the issues, sir or madam. Good plan.

People up voting facts? People should be like that moron "recognitions" and base everything on their feels.

That was an error. In all other posts I correctly pointed out that medical and allied health are becoming overwhelmingly female. Someone else mentioned it as well. It is majority. Not just medicine, but nursing and allied health as well.

"Gay" was a pretty common punchline on MST3k for the entire run.

You don't need to see the movie as long as you know the gist of it.

The joke was about the people around Pat who tried to coax out the information instead of rudely asking. It is incredibly stupid, but not a statement of nonbinary persons or anything. Pat was never indicated to identify as anything.

Not really. The comments on this blog are more entrenched in false dichotomies than I am. I am not saying those with empathy (or claim to be empathetic) are evil or always wrong. What happens here is that readers and writers have thoughts and biases that they presume are correct without the evidence to understand

If you peruse through this thread, some people expect proportional representation at a minimum on the assumption that desires and interests are equal between sexes. Some go so far as to say that biological differences between sexes result in no variation in cognition (which undermines evidence backed idea that sex

No. I am merely saying that there is evidence that biology can influence behaviors and thinking. Culture does play a role. The end question would be how much we use the cultural to overcome biological (if at all). Do we do nothing, go full Harrison Bergeron, or someplace in between. In the end the best society

Empathy has little to do with utility. Favoring identifiable victims and those like "us" is not helpful in nor necessary for determining utility. It is very difficult to argue that flipping the switch to send the train toward a group because you can empathize with the individual on the other track is the more moral

I never said the answer was biological. I said that biology appears to have an influence on behavior and thinking. Because that is what research shows. Though I am sure you are up on the research as a claim to be a clinician.

Yeah, because an appeal to your own authority is just what the doctor ordered. I am no fan of psychology either, but I would not call it ideologically poisoned. Though it is probably worthwhile to use the expertise we have available.

Can you into reading comprehension? I don't give a shit about your appeal to authority. It means nothing. Nor do any of your straw an. All you prove is that intelligent is not heritable.

That is a biological function. The other things are not explained by biological function. It is a preference for some objects over others with no preference for neutral objects. But who needs actual science, right? Feels. Ideology!

Yeah. I miswrote that. Majority. Not just the US. Other countries are seeing the same trends.

Hyperbole of arts crumbling without funding.

How did it take this long to realize you were a troll? You got me. Damn. Nice work!

I never said one was more important. My position is very simple here. I don't see equal representation in area career as the end game because I don't think that social influences can alone explain the differences. It is in the article.