brandon brindle

That proves me wrong. Go jerk off the world's worst attorney so you have an internet friend.

The issue is not that though. No one says that females can't build bridges. What the research has shown is that they are less likely to want to. We can probably nudge them into "male" interests by loading them up with androgens in womb and during life, but that is not passing the IRB.

Yeah, evidence that is consistent in repeated studies is actually due to chance. Hormones have no influence on development or behavior. The devil just planted them there to trick people into believing in evolution.

It matters between these differences are bound to result in differences later on in life. Nothing is better. It is not a comparison. (this is all covered in this article)

I don't dismiss arguments because of who is saying them. I dismiss them for being factually incorrect.

None of this matters though. These are unrelated to the point about biology. Some actually could be related, but we would need more data. Leaving careers can be associated with family raising, which has been shown to be a more female trait than male one. Males work a lot an sleep with coworkers (another biological

I am not trying to get deep into this. People conflate ability and interest. Most people are here are not dumb. Not by a long shot. They are capable of complex thought even if they choose not to do it. (besides the world's worst attorney. he is dumb as a rock.) They should be able to understand that the

If you read the article and the comments here, people either are unaware or outright denying that hormones associated with sex influence how a person thinks and what they like and what they choose to do. They see it all as cultural (but they are cultural Marxists who believe that all groups are equal and any group

You can't compare the situations. Fewer females were in the workplace. Sexes were not as equal as they are now. The times are very different.

War had a large influence on sex differences in nursing professions. The percentage of male nurses dropped to nothing during the world wars. It is still well below the high point around the turn of the last century. Natural rate is very low.

I am interested as a way of gauging scientific literacy. it is a generalization, but those in humanities are not interested in sciences. Sciences are not interested in humanities either. The second one does not matter so much though. You don't have to understand art criticism to discuss human behavior. Some may

No. I am against arbitrary discrimination. I see it as being harmful to utility. I see evidence that discrimination is not the only to blame for why some careers see dominance by one sex.

The resistance and denialism bother me. Not understanding something is one thing, but denying it because you dislike it is intolerable. Most of the people on here are not actually dumb. They are college grads. They just refuse to consider information that they dislike. As though their entire world would fall

No. I am not at all. I make it clear that ability and intelligence are not shown to vary to any degree that would affect performance. Males and females are not better or worse (though studies have shown that males have a more varied range of intelligence). The question among those who research these issues is why

I am interested in the basis of their opinion. I am not trying to shame them. But some are really really wrong about this. Like never read an article wrong. Knowing their level of scientific literacy influences how things are explained. I would be clear if intentions were to mock. Most of the writers and

Women did not work due to the economics of the time. That is the history to which I refer.

Empathy is not bad. It is just a horrible basis for decision making. It is personal and biased. It does not require reasoning. Empathy can lead to prejudice and tremendous social harm. These things are not necessarily the intention, but they do occur. The moral choices that result from empathy don't have to be

I am shaming denialism and a lack of scientific literacy. You are the one with the sex bias, friend. I don't think like that.

Nope. I was nowhere near computer science in school.

We are talking overall trends. I think the doctor thing is a result of history more than anything else. It is one area that is going female though. Strongly. It does help me too as the gap is expanding, not shrinking.