brandon brindle

What the fuck is CSS? Something studies? So I was correct? You don't into science.

Doesn't understand the topic.
Does not have even a basic grasp on psychology or neuroscience.
Calls other people stupid.

Are you really arguing that there are no biological differences between males and females? What did you study in college? Something that ends in "studies", right?

Why are most nurses female? Why will the majority of doctors be female? Is it discrimination? Why are most PhD candidates in engineering male? Discrimination? Or could it be that hormones that influence different behaviors between sexes also influence interest and ways of thinking? Nah. That would be crazy.

How is it bigoted? Because you dislike it? Design a study that shows your view that can be repeated.

Wikipedia covers this.

So you are denying science because you disagree with the results? How long did your humanities degree take you? 7 years? Or did you finish it in 6?

it is not about greater ability. Some studies show more abilities for each sex in some areas of information processing, but the data is mixed. Until more definitive results can show sex based differences, we can ignore it.

World's worst attorney shows off his debate skills with ad hominem.

World's worst attorney bad at law and knows nothing about psychology or neuroscience. Is there anything he is not terrible at?

I know that science and math are hated here, but the males like things and females like people idea has supporting evidence. Not just in people. if you give a wheeled car and doll to young monkeys, the male monkeys will be more likely to play with the car while the females monkeys will play with the doll. Newborn

Public funding for the arts is thrown around to every congressional district so no one gets upset. The amount is miniscule and unimportant. Museums get 6% of funding from government? They will most certainly shut down if they don't get it. Most projects get less money than they want so private funding has to

You have not made any argument other than the appeal to the authority of an art major (ha ha ha ha ha!)

If they have a line out the door, then jamming the first six they can find would cut down on the wait. No one likes waiting behind the person who gives a reason for not liking every kind and keeps wondering "how many do I have now?"

Isn't most of their branding already based on the "Dunkin'" part? For example.

You can when it is not considered a generic term. This is/was the case for a country that predominantly speaks Spanish. No "doughnut"/"donut" in Spanish back then.

So you know that government funding does not matter, yet still call for it because of your weak-minded ideological leanings. Good to know. Guess we figured out why you have an art degree, huh?

I know what it does. You have no argument because you are A) an art student and B) selfish and wrong.

But it goes the other way too. How many of the people who claim to "support" arts and education actually do it beyond saying that the government should throw money at them? How many actually consider impact? Real impact. Like math based, not such like it must because good because I think it is.

No, I am pointing out that government subsidies for art mainly benefit the rich. I am also criticizing the idea that government art funding is necessary or helpful to art in general. It is not. It is a false concern of the rich to justify less taxes (because they give to "charity") for them and more spending for