
That is essentially what happened with Doom if I remember.  Id was almost done with the final game, but didn’t like how it was playing, so they scrapped the entire project and started over from scratch.  And what we ended up with most will agree was a damn near masterpiece.

Should have ended it with “ - one last thing: Metroid Prime Trilogy HD is now available on the Switch eShop!”

Au contraire. The swearing affected me not at all. It’s easy to swear on the internet.  BALLS!  See? I just wanted to give you an opportunity to do better.

So Katie, when are you going to swallow your pride and apologize to everyone whose comments you dismissed for supporting Hardwick when this story first broke? We’re waiting...

Actually, no. I personally believe that she meant for people to know. That she wrote it so that Hardwick would be fingered for this, and that she intended to cause him trouble with her claims, though she never used his name. But she argues that she never meant to cause him trouble, never meant to hurt his employment

I agree that Hardwick is a mediocre talent, and if he disappeared from tv altogether, it would be no loss.......

Wil Wheaton has nothing to do with it. If anything, Hardwick’s attorneys might be keeping him quiet in case they decide to sue. He may have witnessed some questionable behavior from Dykstra and could be a valuable witness. Same with Matt and Jonah, for that matter.

It is classic Katie though. Hardwick is guilty, despite the fact we’ve seen no evidence he’s guilty. Just a lot of internet “He always gave me this vibe...” or “He seems fake...” assumptions.

It’s weird that all these people who didn’t even know who Dykstra is before this are now her champions. It’s not a good look.”

Yet you fell for her blog post.


...Dykstra has maintained since the beginning that she was not out to get the man she wrote about in her essay fired...

Why?  What part of my story sounds credible?  

It’s good to know that in this day and age the thinking man’s Jimmy Fallon is still employable.

Let’s say someone was stealing money from me, and I want to vaguebook about it. I post a long Facebook post detailing all the times money was stolen by this person, including specific events. I don’t mention any names, but it’s super clear it’s my ex-boss. I already quit this job, and I’m no longer being stolen from,

I don’t know what the right thing to do here is and honestly it’s their business between each other unless something was illegal.

Although she declined to participate in AMC’s investigation, Dykstra maintained that her story is true in her most recent tweet about the matter:


Why do we reward people for talking smack about their famous exes, in the hopes of causing career harm.