
What a crybaby... Waaaahh!

I LOVE the Steam controller. Their goal was to make PC gaming more accessible for couch gamers and they were moderately successful. It’s not perfect but it’s a helluva lot better to play shooters with than a gamepad. 🤮 The Steam controller was meant for mouse and keyboard games. I have no doubt console gamers hated it

It would be great to use Moonlight and stream PC games to the Switch. Then you could use it like a Wii U with theDolphin emulator :)

Actually, I heard they considered using Android but ultimately didn’t and piracy wasn’t the reason.

You bunch of commie snowflakes are going to have to check into mental hospitals when Trump wins his SECOND term! Good luck with your prolapsed rectums! 😄😄😄

“the ouch face commonly occurs when the player takes damage from behind.”

This sounds like great news but I think most of the folks from the original MP team are gone. 

Nvidia already has GameCube/Wii emulators running on Shield TV so a direct source port of Prime Trilogy would run at 720/1080 easily and look AWESOME. This (and several other ports) should’ve happened already but Nintendo is dumb and won’t take my money

Sooo.. accusations were made, proof was not provided and his job was reinstated. Sounds legit to me. 

Nintendo should port AM2R to 3DS and make it unlockable in Samus Returns :) I know they never will... But it would be an awesome gesture.

I’m a long time fan of the series since first game on PSOne and i don’t mind the first person view at all. The sense that something is creeping up behind or beside you is greatly enhanced because you can only see in front of you. I think it’s going to change things up a bit and that’s what the series needs.