
Amen to that. No matter how bad we have it, we can always find someone else who has it even worse.

Yes, it would have been much simpler to state that. (it was her 3rd night in the hut)

Whenever I hear about incidents like this I think of Shirley Jackson’s short story The Lottery, which appeared in the New Yorker years ago. She and the magazine received a ton of hate mail because of the story. I never understood why because the story deals with pointless and cruel customs that get passed on

I just don’t get it even as a guy I don’t understand the point of shit like this.

Attention men:

Please don’t take this the wrong way but why the fuck didn’t you move after a python chases you?!

I have had seven serious snake encounters in my 39 years here, including one day when there were eight found in my primary school, the massive three metre python that CHASED me down a street, the one that was curled on my front doormat (stayed home that day) and the time I found a shed snake skin hanging on my bedroom

I have so many questions. There are spiders with a span of 1.5 feet? You just let it hang out on your ceiling for month? How did you sleep in the same room with it?

I had a 1.5 foot span huntsman spider, sitting unreachable on my double-height bedroom ceiling for a month in Australia.

It’s still 2016, artichoke inventor could have been legit.

See ya there. I did the same thing. (Though I didn’t know misreading headlines was a sin)

Oh God I’m going to Hell.

I absolutely agree but while I am stranded here doing phone interviews I have to write something. That’s my job. So I did this. I’m certainly not planning a series on my coldness or my feelings.


For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

Californians, how the hell do you live with this?

I hope most sincerely that you are right but my deeply cynical self believes that this kind of behavior is unfortunately hard-wired in some way—and the people who indulge in it will find ways around the laws, as they always do.

You do realize that they are being replaced daily by the newest crop, right?

Her family, particularly her father, had pressured her to fabricate the story precisely because they were upset by Ramirez coming out as gay.

Mental illness is still taboo in our society and sometimes the rate of denial among family and spouses is on par with substance abuse addiction. Kim is a person of normal intelligence, and I assume she like most people would be the last person to recognize that their spouse needs professional help. It’s easy for third