
I’m with you on campy crap, but Mama June lost me when she decided there was nothing wrong with rekindling a relationship with a man who sexually abused her daughter.

Well this is fucking disgusting. She got back with the man who spent a decade in jail for diddling her own child! This woman should not be put on tv. Let her find other employment. Her poor children.

So when is Josh Duggar getting his new show? Josh Duggar: From reviled Child Molester to thriving in Trump’s America

Thank you for putting into words so succinctly that niggling feeling I’ve had since last year. Well done.

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

Yesterday on the day of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, we wondered, where is everyone? Today, on the day of the

Still confused about the role this young woman played in revealing that she was abducted. Some news outlets make it seem like she sought the information out herself, but “acting on recent tips” makes it seem like there were external tips...the inappropriately nosy part of me desperately wants these details filled in!

If they did it wouldn’t be a problem since her head isn’t moving off of the center line. She looks like a child who is being exploited with the defense of Ronda Rousey.

...wouldn’t Ohio be the Florida of the midwest?

Seriously. I am was always slimish, but no defined waist and the one-piece totally exacerbates that. After two kids I am not so into a bikini so tankini all the way.

And/or those who don’t have the proportions to wear a bikini top at any size.

This. I don’t know what I’d wear to swim without her.

Those of us who don’t feel comfortable enough for a bikini but have weird proportions that make any other kind of bathing suit nearly impossible will be forever grateful for the invention of the tankini. You can pry my Land’s End bra-size tankini tops from my cold, dead hands.

FTR I voted for the last option.

“It’s disgusting how easily they can divide us.”

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

I fully support PP. That being said, I worry about the donation approach. As with any organization that needs govt. support, the more that the people who dole out the money see donations pour in, the more they’re going to say, “well, hey, looks like you can just depend on that instead of govt. support.” I wish I

I requested donations to PP for Christmas this year. I haven’t added it up, but I think my relatives donated about $500 in my name this x-mas

I was able to get the morning after pill via PP when a condom broke. I’ll always be grateful to them and I donate whenever I can.