
He was clearly joking. I doubt he expects his packages to be shipped on a bus with handicapped people.

As an Amazon Prime member, I don't care if it gets shipped on a school bus for the handicapped, so long as I get it in two days. And as far as the $350,000 fine, Bezos probably dug it out from under his couch cushions.

“All the sites have done great reporting.”

We’ll agree to disagree.

This would make a better gift for a graduate... most dads are already going to have at least half of the tools in here.

This would make a better gift for a graduate... most dads are already going to have at least half of the tools in

You never saw Transformers 2, or the TMNT?

I don’t know that AA would help me sneak a bear into anything.

It looks like a plastic ruler to me.

Them’s some nice particles you got there. Be a shame if something were ta smash them.

I don’t get it. How do people leave automatic updates on and expect shit not to happen lol.

Donald Trump would just walk around it, and then talk at length about how he walked straight across, and it was the best walk ever, with the classiest feet, and toes of perfectly normal length.

The scientist isn’t that smart, I would have just started throwing down clothing and walked across butt naked. Decency be damned.

damn. that’s a good comment.

His size changing apparatus thingy must be malfunctioning because I see a little person but with a really big heart.

If the 8 year old boys you know are 110 pounds you should probably get them help...

Also Emily Kinney from The Walking Dead is in Conviction. I mean sure, if you really don’t care about Marvel or TWD that’s fine, but at least Google the show and think about your audience.

The fact that they’re panning Zorn and looking forward to the terrible shitshow that will be RHPS without Tim Curry throws every other review into question IMO.

What is this? A shuttle for ants? How can we be expected to send astronauts to space... if they can’t even fit inside the building?

What is the name of the rocket?
How much thrust did the rocket provide?
What was the terminal altitude of this vehicle?
Is this vehicle going to carrie cargo?
What is the weight of the cargo once it is used?
What is the cost of the launch?
Can anyone buy a slot in the cargo bay?
Go ahead, be my Roseanna Danna, as in “for a

While it’s stupid to deify Gaben and Valve, they are really not the same as EA and Activision. Like, not releasing the sequel of a very popular game that WILL generate massive profits is the opposite of what EA and Activision would do. If Valve was the same type of company, then we would be waiting for Half-Life 13,

You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.