
Sad to say, but if your phone is not overheating and changing the temperature helps, then you are likely dealing with a loose connection in your phone. Thermal expansion could be pulling the leads of the device off of the PCB.

Seems like an odd argument. If users around the world are carrying similarly sized phones in their pocket without issue... and then the iPhone 6 can’t handle it... how is that the fault of the user?

Even if they were squids... I feel like an insult about something they literally cannot change is the worst kind. Not sure why we’re throwing around insults, but if we are, can’t we be a little more creative?

It’s not titled “Sufin In The DPRK.” It’s actually “Surfin In The DPRK.”

I agree with you. I was just saying to zbiggies that the cops are there to enforce the law, and the law is that that gun is banned in NYC. It’s probably best when potential firearms are involved that the cops just enforce the law and let the courts decide what was reasonable.

I feel like your argument should be that having an air gun should not be illegal. Cops should probably continue to enforce the law... if the law is stupid, we should change it.

When do you go from a person who posts videos on youtube to a being youtuber?

Can you call yourself a youtuber if you only get 100 views a video?

I am embarrassed to say that I bought the plain mayo based solely on the look of the package. There is a freaking egg on the label, I just assumed it was and all-natural mayo. After trying it, and hating it, my wife and I looked at the label and realized the mistake we made.

No, I am saying that he said a lot of things. One of those things was that Russia already has the emails. Another of his statements was that they should go looking for them. Which sort of sounds like an invitation to check Clinton’s stuff to see what’s left laying around.

Well the guy talks without thinking so darn much, there is much content to report on. She’s staying boring, and the big stuff is hitting her hard, as it should.

The quote is shown before the tweet, in the body of the article. I did however watch the speech, and it is accurate. He kind of waffled on who he thinks did the hacking, and at one point suggested that Russia already has the emails. But later in the conference, when he said this, he did not mention anything about

Nobody here is saying he’s smart enough to know it’s not possible...

In that statement, he did not mention hackers who already hacked US computers. Earlier in his speech he suggested that they already hacked it. He also said they didn’t hack it. And that they did. And that they didn’t. He suggested a lot of things before and after that, but this statement was isolated and not buffered

I’d love to see those emails too... but that doesn’t change the fact that he literally asked Russia to go looking for them.

You can’t cut the article because it has important information. He literally said with his mouth “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” Doesn’t matter what the tweet says. There is no questioning what he

Did you read his comment? It’s clear that he read it. You may disagree with his opinion, but he definitely outlines why it doesn’t matter when the rules were made.

Some day you will realize that you cannot win arguments like this. I agree with your sentiment. Also of note, I’m sure all of the cosplaying broke the dress code as well, but it’s how does a manager handle a situation like that? He very well may be a douche-bag (my money says he is), but it’s obvious that she’s being

Any office I’ve worked in has always considered head coverings and open-toed shoes as a bad thing. Most of these places don’t have it specifically written. I don’t see the problem with wearing something on your head... it’s probably just leftover norms from back when offices were a lot more formal. That being said, if

Let’s say, hypothetically, the chosen candidate arrived in a dishonest way and you thought the candidate’s history almost assuredly meant a win for the opposition? What then? Grin and bear it?