
Most iMessages are sent through the internet, your carrier has nothing to do with it. If your friend is not connected to the internet, probably best they don’t receive your massive gif.

It’s obvious to someone who’s reasonably intelligent. Don’t forget how stupid the average person is.


It's ok, you can't see it without a Uplay account anyway

basicly its a device that lets you access genetic memory of your ancestors. earlier versions of the device has some nasty side effects, the ‘bleeding effect’ which basicly causes your memories to be mixed up with ancestors. some benifitial effects like gaining the mussle-memory skills of your ancestors (like combat if

When they said “Welcome to the Spanish Inquisition,” my first thought was literally “Well I wasn’t expecting that...”

The robot arm thing is really stupid looking...other than that the movie looks like it has potential.

Nobody ever seems to comment on it, but Antarctica used to have a complex and diverse terrestrial fauna and flora that was practically extirpated through natural processes. All that’s left are the microbial communities living under the ice and whatever has been able to hold on on the tiny unglaciated portions. Kind of

If it’s really twice as fast as two 98o’s in SLI this will be a huge jump for VR! we will have better graphics or better resolution or both. I was waiting for this jump to happen because right now graphic cards are just in the limit of support for VR and 4K, now we can do a lot more.

Thought there might be an explanation on how they work, not just a short drone-shot video of it in action.

Hint: the answer lies in the definition of “decriminalized”.

That really is all that can be said. People seem to forget it every single time, but EA will consistently do whatever they can to ruin a game.

ITT: People condemning an unreleased game based on their limited impression of an untested game mechanic.

Inb4 people say the BMI is useless because it doesn’t take in account muscle mass which means all those ripped people are being labeled as obese.

Anker SoundCore. Basically anything made by Anker is of the highest quality and performs very well for the price. I own 2 of these and have convinced 5 others to purchase as well. They are super simple to pair/use, sound fantastic and are very loud for the size. I paid $37.99 on Amazon, but it looks like they are so

Anker SoundCore. Basically anything made by Anker is of the highest quality and performs very well for the price. I

Eh, having a silent alarm that wakes me up, and not having my phone buzz all day on my desk at work alone are worth the relatively small price I paid for my Pebble.

It would have helped if they’d been better actors. It’s a really fun idea though.

This isn’t comparable to a PC case since the vast majority of PC cases don’t come with much or anything in the way of logic boards. You add that with a motherboard you buy seperatly. It’s much closer to a docking station in terms of function, and if you look at lightening based docks you’ll be hard pressed to find any

Well, if I got a bad bill, I would politely tell them that I could not accept it, and that they should complain to whomever gave it to them. I would make the “assumption” that they are the victim (even if I expect them to be a perpetrator) giving them the option to simply give me real money, or walk.