Where in this article does it say that his computer did anything wrong?
Where in this article does it say that his computer did anything wrong?
That EVGA GeForce GTX 760 price is for the 2GB version. It's actually $290 for 4GB.
I just hope they don't continue the trend of bigger teams.
The small, tight-knit teams is what made Gears special.
Stop adding features and fix all those bugs!!!
If they can make it cost as much as an XBOX, then dang.
I'd upgrade every 2-3 years.
SillyWilly is my favorite. :}
That website melts my brain...
Thanks for reminding me to check Steam for the latest flash deal!
I smell a price increase coming along soon.
I find your lack of links to relating content disturbing.
For this person, Christmas is not Jesus' birthday, but it's still a holiday.
I imagine that Derek isn't saying the day is meaningless, he's just celebrating the secular part of the holiday. So I don't think he's asking for both ways.
I strongly suggest connecting with people in your area. Level 8's are usually very happy to help people to level up.
Another reason to play right now is the founders badge... if you're into that sort of thing.
Can't wait for 13Magnus, Phoenix!
It did a lot better, and I definitely enjoyed it... however, the solving experience felt much more canned. There were a lot of puzzles that were solved by finding the only place that you could place a portal.
That looks potentially dangerous for the TV.
I'm thinking a laser pointer on a tripod would make a better solution if you still wanted a dot on the screen... or a dry-erase marker if you didn't want something bright.
A lot of haters going on about this gif.
I'm just happy it's the correct quote. Not the one that says "Well, that escalated quickly"
Regarding the scale capacity hack.
Be careful with this one. Scales have upper limits for a reason. The load cell that actually measures the force may read inconsistently above it's stated limit. Besides getting inaccurate measurements, you may actually damage the load cell- throwing off readings in the normal range.
Why are there Monopoly pieces in Diplomacy?
I've had an Anker for about 6-months, and it's still going strong.
I also know a lot of other people with them and have heard no complaints. Their customer service seems pretty solid. You should call them about it and see if they can help you out.
This is exactly me with all movies.
Yeah, I'm a buzz-kill even to myself.
Not even an Honorable Mention for Ingress?