brandi c

Uh who cares about his piss? And the best noise is silence? So why are you tweeting three times to tell us?

I miss that show.

Well she is a Palin.

Let the missus know she's got a good one :)

They just want everyone to be as miserable as they probably are.

But smaller government!

Yep I remember her talking about that after she gave birth.

His next girlfriend was just born last week.

He's pretty nice (and we have the same birthday!!)

What about Anthropologie? I haven't heard anything sketchy about them (yet).

I feel the same way. I was able to vote for the first time in 2008 and I feel like I was apart of something big.

Am I the only one who thought the woman in the front was Cindy McCain at first?

Beautiful Girls is one of my favorite movies.

*E-hugs* I lost my uncle to a drunk driver.

I'd definitely field Alexander Skarsgard.

"A Few Select Quotes from Bristol Palin's Ghostwriter's Tell-All Book"

I agree.

MTE. Didn't even know she had a twitter.

And this makes me more excited for my first visit to PP on Friday. Any advice Jezzies?
