brandi c

Its trying to protect you.

And of course, there are no men in this study.

Ugh. I just can't.

No no no. Its only promiscuous for the girl.

I played Anya's cover so many times!

In before the "proof of real racism" comments.

That was its original name.

Has he been taking lessons from Dan White?

Love it!

You mean parents should be parenting their own children and not look to everyone else to do it? They may also have to have uncomfortable talks with their children? Blasphemy!

I was so mad when that movie didn't get a proper release.

Uh is there such a thing as "independent film acting"?

Well you want to be able to fit into your bikini this summer right? I mean, that's all we care about, isn't it?

Our parents have failed us.

I don't understand these ads. Aside from the obvious ignorance, the ad makes it seem like they're advocating abortion. Am I the only one who thinks this?

Its just like getting a manicure dontchaknow?

I really want to help you do it.

I wish I could heart you again.