brandi c



I have been waiting for this. Clearly the world needed Paris Hilton's take on it. Now I can sleep.

And have the wrong currency.

And she didn't quit halfway through the job.

You hear that Sacha? You make that movie, stat!

I agree Margaret.

Well since Kourtney has a baby already, hasn't she won? And its nice to see they have such high standards for becoming parents.

Hey, my name isn't feminazi boner killer for nothing.

I've heard of that happening a couple of times. In one (recent) case, the father got the kid back.

So. much. logic. I. can't. deal!

I read this on ONTD_Political. This guy is a piece of work to say the least. And of course he wouldn't try to this on someone his own age. Typical gross creeper.

And not to mention the money women lose if they have to leave work with a complicated pregnancy, putting them further behind.

Don't forget pro-war too. If they were pro-life, they'd give a damn about the lives already here.


Thank You! My 'father' is one of those men who thinks the $200 he gave me one time paid for my entire life.

You gave him ladybrain or poisoned his sandwich.

But we seduce them with our superpowers!!!!1

And aside from that, its not even a good acronym. WTH is needed information supposed to mean?

I'm making my appointment!