brandi c

Bill, you a whole ass serial rapist. Nobody wants to hear your bleating about any goddamn thing.

Sounds like Bill Cosby needs to pull his pants up.

What doesn’t get discussed enough is that Cosby could have had so many women. He wouldn’t even have had to pay them. There would be so many women who would have loved to have been with Him. 

HEY DUMMIES: stop interviewing Bill Cosby.

BlackPressUSA spoke with imprisoned men who noted that he is a “political prisoner” and saluted his impact on the prison..

Bill, it’s time for you to shut the entire fuck up forever, serve your time and go away. You’ve had 50 years of drugging and raping and whatnot and by all accounts, we may never -ever- know how many women you violated, given that surely some of them passed on before you were called into account.

They weren’t the only ones who did it. They were just the only ones who got caught

No, it is not possible and people need to stop trying. 

Dammit, I'm sick of true crime in general, and serial killers in particular. But I love Merritt Wever so I'll probably watch this when it's on Netflix or Prime Video.

Sure, but who is “beating him” and telling him to “fuck right off”? Nearly all the responses I’ve seen are people saying this could be a good thing, but he shouldn’t get unsupervised access to the kids. Which is entirely reasonable given past situations with celebrities.

“What’s wrong with that?”

Acts of atonement are fine and wonderful. If those acts of atonement involve direct contact with populations they’ve abused in the past, people also have a right to be cautious and ensure rehabilitation has fully happened before supporting them. No one would raise flags if Tyler started a charity to protect endangered

What a sweet mother, having her own daughter jailed for a catfight and then trying to make money off her death.

Or, you know, maybe they are abusive fuckwads pulling a power trip, after telling their daughter she’s going to rot in an insane asylum. There’s a reason Gynnya wasn’t living with her mom full time and in a foster home, and it wasn’t because she was violently mentally ill. She wouldn’t have been in the foster home to

Also, didn’t see mention of this book: “Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools.” Very similar issues at play.

The police need to change. I’m not surprised that the few comments that have already been posted have been about the Mother; but when I was reading this article all I could think of was how situations like this could have been handled, if the police would taken the time to separate individuals and sit and talk to them

Are we trying to pretend this is not about a person of color dying at the hands of law enforcement again?

Many things may "mess you up emotionally" — a breakup, giving a child up for adoption, being fired from your job, etc etc. As I said in the piece, women may feel a range of emotions about their abortions, and that is absolutely their prerogative. But the American Psychiatric Society is in the business of science, and

This makes sense to me, not because it's an abortion, but because it can be physically, psychologically, and hormonally traumatic for some people. For others, giving birth might be a horribly traumatic experience.

But a person being—legitimately—sad after an abortion, even being depressed after an abortion, isn't a disease. Post Abortion Trauma, what with the capital letters, implies that it's a Thing that Lots of people have instead of something that some women experience. Just like there's not Post-C-Section When You Were