brandi c

She'll have her own show next week. And why am I shocked she was a polisci major?

Fucking brilliant.

Ah, she's going for a long ride with all the back peddling she's doing.

I hear ya. I developed rather quickly in the fourth grade and even now (at 21), I get those "put on a better shirt" comment from my mother.

Love Bob Newhart!

I think you answered your own question. Its Gawker. Off course, they're on Charlie's side.

This is so childish of me, but I keep giggling at the headline.

Oh. My. God.

How dare she make a choice about her life and her body? The nerve!

Right?! Ugh, people like him make me sick.

Damn that cupcake looks good.

I have two of those in my family (my cousin and her mom) who think that being single for more than five minutes will kill them.

And finally there's a story that makes me believe in humans again.

I feel the same way. I love my little cousins and the best part is I can give them back!

Amen, sister.

"I’m not so self-centered as to think that I MUST be the entire purpose of my parents’ lives."

And that's why I love Louis C.K. And his show!