brandi c

And Ivory magazine?

Ooooh, I didn't know that was the guy's Hebrew name. I thought he just substituted any Yiddish (? or Hebrew) sounding word. I guess that's what happens when I don't pay attention. Although, I'm really trying to avoid listening to too much of Charlie Sheen right now, so can you blame me? lol

Heh, I agree. No one wants him.

I always wondered how they add this stuff up. Like, why not just say life?

Tyler Perry presents...

I read that he kidnapped his first wife when she tried to leave. And Nancy met him when he was in prison (she was visiting her uncle). This whole thing is whoo!

Oh no, I didn't mean you. I was playing off of how the tabloids react. (I also hadn't read that TMZ article about Scar Jo and Sean). Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Also: taking a picture together, being in the same city at the same time, they both drink coffee=marriage + babies!

Someone needs to let Charlie know that calling him by his birth name is not a slur against Latinos.

My zygote wrote a bestseller!

I didn't mind her so much when she was giving useful advice then she turned into her mother when she saw the paycheck to be abstinent spokeswoman.

One night her tights tore. The horror!

Are you implying the Palins have brain cells?

Pssh. That's nothing. My 9-year-old niece is writing her memoir.

I do too, I hope this is going to put an end to the libruhl mediah and teh gayz that ruin Merican values!

Well if looking spacey makes you a drug addict, then they'd accuse me too. She has a kid, maybe she's tired sometimes Star magazine!

This is how I felt every time my school had candy sales. I didn't know anyone and could only sell to my neighbors on both sides of my house and my mom's coworkers. And then they made us count up our total sales in the auditorium in front of the other kids. Oh the stress of seeing so many that sold thousands of dollars

When its cookie time, everyone just comes out of the woodwork. People I didn't even know had daughters in girl scouts!

I will be buying those.

I think they know they don't have to make sense. They can just yell and people would defend them.