
Any excuse to watch him is irreproachable.

Maybe, but I still think the Hapstall case was solvable and did resolve logically. Sinclair's death was more random or hidden.
They didn't prune alot of plot threads and loose ends and we are on to new territory, which is kind of annoying. But maybe there is a plan for this next season.
But it completely bugged me

Well, since you put it that way. . . .

She saw someone go out. Did Connor actually see her?
I still think Annalise hired a hit man to kill Mahoney when she hired the hitman to kill Frank. Or now we have more going on, and maybe Laurel's Big Daddy hiring a hitman to kill Mahoney. Bleh. Too many loose ends still.

Agree. That whole Three Musketeers thing was ridicuous. It only served to show that the killer, Domonic, was Laurel's Big Daddy's fixer. And now Laurel knows he is in play.

While I enjoyed watching the season finale, I was disppointed. Not just because I was wrong, but that they pulled the ending so far out of left field. I had conjectured in a couple comments that only Frank, the Mahoney's, the DA, or Laurel's dad had the resources and/or skillset to blow up a house and steal a body

Would anyone be able to tell me why Annalise was calling everyone to the house that day?

Yes, he knew that Frank was chasing him, right?

I don't think Connor did it either. Why try CPR on seomeon you just killed?
And agree about the phone.

Interesting theory and definately coming out of left field. On House Boom night, Asher was drunk as a skunk, as far as we know. So it is possible. But what is his motive to kill Wes? Just so that Wes does not tell the others that Asher was the snitch? I thought this season would spend more time on the "Who's the

I agree. That moment when Annalise says he killed her baby and no one asked "how?" or "why?" was unnatural. But I think the writers had to leave the actual information that Frank was paid by the Mahoneys to crash her car unknown to the Gang of 4. If they found out at that moment, too many things would unravel and they


Yes, they have sprinkled a few incidental clues leading to Annalise's mom.

Oh mine, I forgot to ask. Do you remember why Annalise was drunk dialing everyone to come to the house? That has been bugging me.

Hi mine, I DO remember being annoyed with the writers for not comparing Philips DNA and think I mentioned it in comments back then. I do think that the aunt was killed before the killer was revealed, since it seemed to me that it was a big actual clue pointing only to Caleb and Cat, and not Philip. I always bought

I like your idead, I don't think that Annalise killed Wes. I think she may have thought she did when she first saw the body under the sheet, because I think she is possibly responsible for the arson (via Frank?). After Nate comes to her holding cell and tells her that Wes was dead before the fire, she says she

I think it did. I'll go back and check that episode.

And who left the room when they were considering doing another illegal thing?
So who may be the confidential informant?
But I don't think it is Michaela, because there has not been enough actual clues pointing to her. And unless it is just another SNAFU at the house (kind of like when she kinda killed Sam, but let's

Bonnie and Frank, or Bonnie and Annalise, or Bonnie and Analise's mom who always forgets to turn off the gas burners LOL

Does he have a motive to kill Wes?