
seems that the Russians have been hacking us for far longer than we thought.

Stormy Daniels could come walking out of AF1 with her stilettos in one hand and a bottle of Scope in the other while Trump followed behind zipping up his fly. The right would praise him forcreating jobs”. 

I mean, if we don’t have any real-world skills, we could always become bloggers.

I’m 100% with you. Busch didn’t give him a light love tap, he straight up hit him and pushed him for a brief moment around the corner. It made it somewhat more exciting but it was still bullshit. Honestly reminded me of Dale back in the day. The whole “you tapped me so I’m going to fucking rail you” mentality.

Why wouldn’t Trump supporters be in favor of this? They don’t want a bakery to be forced to make a cake, a pharmacy to dispense birth control, or a public servant to do her job against her conscience. Why is this different?

I think about it all the time. And it still gives me the “angry tickles.” Just makes me furious. And rock hard. And confused. But my wife, who I lovingly call “Mother”, says I’m getting better.

Who’s really the absolute worst one? Because that’s who he’ll pick. I’d bet every dime I have.

They were totally glorious. For a bit I had a Grand Prix with the similar interior treatment including the KiTT heads-up display. Just imagine the amount of McDonalds fries and soda wedged into those buttons today on the one at the We Finance! lot.

Democrats are so out of touch they don’t even realize that there is no legislative or judicial or executive path out of this for the foreseeable. There’s a zero percent chance (it is in fact mathematically impossible) of winning a supermajority in the senate for impeachment, so Trump is staying his full term. The

gotta hand it to you, thats a good one.

Now playing

Not new either, the “stink palm” & the stink palm + chocolate covered pretzels

Heres’s a guide to Trump’s foreign policy. First, think - what would Putin want?

(Trade) War!!

The sad thing about killing off all of the committees and regulations is that it only takes days if not minutes to end them but it would take years for the next administration to try to re-establish them.


Bullshit. They go low, we step on their throats until they leanr to act human.

On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.

Oh, you crafty little man, you! You’re quick, very quick. Never seen a man beat the snake before.

A quick fella might have a weapon under there. l’d have to pin his head to the panel.

Does it have a lighter?