
This could easily be done (and I think it has). Manufacturers could discourage flippers by threatening to void a vehicle’s warranty if the vehicle is sold within a certain time period after it is purchased from new. It would be a big red flag to potential buyers. I’d have no problem with this strategy. Vehicle

Lada 1500. These things were imported into Canada back in the early to mid 80's. Total junk. The trunk was a fibreglass insert (talk about rear crush zone) and the gas tank sender was 1:1 with no buffer or filter. Basically like reading a John Deer lawn mower for fuel level. Drive down the highway and the fuel gauge

I’d cast Musk as the next Bond villain. No acting lessons required, he can play himself.

A good repurposing of your snowblower’s housing once the auger or engine take a sh!t.

Guss reportedly responded with, “Shut your bitch ass up.”

GMC should have been spun into a Jeep fighter after bankruptcy. GM was dabbling with the idea of buying Chrysler at one time, just for the purpose of acquiring the Jeep brand alone. So would it would have made great sense to fight ‘em if they couldn’t join ‘em.


WE would prefer that you not crash or kill people while going from A to B. FIFY.

Like the silhoutte. Kind of reminds me of this gem, right own to the vents on the hood.

It’s not general maintenance costs - which would be low for EV’s, it’s repairs to damages that are very expensive. People treat rental cars like...well rental cars. If the damage rate is anywhere near what I’ve seen in Ride-share programs, coupled with a lack of replacement parts, then I can see why Hertz is heading do

Food for thought. If your vehicle is equipped with a camera or cameras and also has a means to communicate with the vehicle’s Manufacturer - imagine the possibilities.

Even two helmets, one for you and one for your passenger costs less than this:

Ever seen what happens to the charge port of a vehicle when you use an 80A charger with an Amazon adaptor rated for only 45A?  It’s not pretty and will set you back a few grand to repair.  Do yourself a favour stay away from anything electric.

I think we can all agree that the situation could have been handled better. Overzealous Cops? Dime a dozen. With that stated, I’m a firm believer that if the bad guy fires at the Police first or tries or attempt to injure while fleeing, then the response should be to empty clips and keep reloading. Plain clothes or

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Dude needs to learn about Senna loafers...

This baby needs to be on Page 1.

This could easily be redone today...with C8 Corvette Z06's. Maybe Rick Hendrick could sponsor it. He’s made of money, lots of money.

This post deserves more stars.  Love KITH.

Thieves are targeting the GTA (Greater Toronto Area or wealthy suburbs) where the average home is worth $1.5M or more and there are many to choose from. It’s not uncommon for these homes to have luxury models such as BMW’s, Mercedes, Range Rover’s etc in the driveway. In addition to a high end vehicle, the one vehicle

More like stay away because hockey equipment bags reek of stink, and so will the car.