
Kind of like you using the wrong form of “you’re” in “your” reply.

If there is any Indy 500 race mementos that I’d clearly avoid, it would be from the ‘73 Indy 500. The grim race was marred by three tragedies which included the deaths of two drivers and one pit crew member. Furthermore, race officials dragged the somber event over three days due to rain. It was the worst 500 ever.

Auto World could have offered free hookers and blow when it opened its doors and it still would have failed. Flint was already an sh!thole of epic proportion by the time this travesty went from blueprints to bricks & mortar. The only picturesque view of Flint was in your rearview mirror.

Single DIN cassette decks because I’m a analog guy living in a digital world. I miss cassette deck and speaker shopping and and installing new equipment.

Back in the mid 80's I visited Corfu in Greece. Other global travellers that we linked up with with rented a Citroen Mehari, kind of like a VW thing, but built on the 2CV chassis. Neither one of couldn’t drive stick, so I volunteered to drive the beast. The thing’s shift lever was located in the dash. It’s was called

I wish I had a good chronic masturbator joke at the moment, they always come in handy.

Or the slim potential of being thrown off into the grille of one of these...

Scratch the last zero off the asking price.  There, FIFY.

A classic example of requiring “X” amount of feet to stop from the speed that you’re traveling at and having less than “X feet” between you and what you’re about to hit.

Now I know what Kid Rock is going to look like in after the next decade.

I’m on the fence here with absolutely no intent of picking a side. I’ve observed Vancouver cyclists first hand at their worst (while visiting my daughter who lives in Vancouver) and I’ve had to deal with ICBC claims/demands periodically as part of work.

Early Saab’s had so much turbo lag you had to check your calender to confirm when the boost was supposed to arrive. 

This Cordoba brings back a very cool memory. Back in the early 90’s I was in Mexico for automotive business. On the plane ride down I was reading the Airline Magazine and there was an article on a restaurant in Monterey called “El Rey de Cabrio” - The King of Goat. On our last night in Mx, my colleagues and I

This turd...

They are used on go-karts.

Not all of ‘em...

Well that was an unanticipated finish - but what a pleasant surprise!

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

That surround mirror around the step in tub....ew.